Sailor Moon, Rei/Minako, Burning Passion

May 25, 2015 17:06

TITLE: Burning passion
PROMPTS: #450-9, boundary, warm, pull, click, rose, gentle, glasses, holiday, match
FANDOM: Sailor Moon
PAIRING: Rei/Minako

„Oh Minako, I love your gentle kisses“, moaned Rei, while Minako’s warm lips kissed their way up her knees.
„I’m a goddess of love, don’t your forget about it“, smiled Minako, placing another kiss little above Rei’s left knee, „And I want to make our little holiday very special“.
She pulled Rei’s red heel and let it fell down on the floor with soft „click“, exposing her naked feet with her toes painted with rose pink nail polish.
Rei’s fingers dug deeply into the sheets, as Minako kissed her between her thighs. They never crossed that boundary before. It seemed that two already empty glasses of vodka helped them to relax and find how perfectly they match to each other.
„I can feel fire burning into someone’s body“, grinned Minako as she rose and filled both glasses again, „Here, have a drink“.
Rei accepted her glass with trembling hand. „It’s like adding fuel to fire“, she whispered softly.
„Darling, I want nothing more but to make it“, answered Minako, with sparkles already dancing in her golden eyes „Let me see your burning passion with all its might, my beloved goddess of fire“.

sailor moon, english, sailor venus, sailor mars, femslash100

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