Feb 12, 2008 14:53
First things first--my apologies if you're a Mozilla user! All these embedded files are going to start playing at the same time because LJ uses the embed tag rather than the object tag--no getting around it, so sorry if you're reading this and you have to hit the pause button all down the page--I'll look for a more satisfactory solution. In the meantime, open me in IE.
10 things a man Must do while he still can:
Tame his sexual urges
Make or forge a weapon
Run a red light
Predict the weather
Record his own music
Fight another human being
Write a poem
Change a diaper
Use your imagination
I've been known to run a red light, and I'm doing REALLY good at the recording my own music bit. Maybe they'll carry over into the other areas?
If you haven't already seen 'Once', don't feel bad that you're first hearing about it here on the auspicious format of the LJ, or that it's already well into its DVD release cycle. Just RENT it man! You'll be glad you did. To whet your whistle, here's my rendition of their much nominated song "Falling Slowly", trust me, the movie is loads better!