#110 Project 『Under the same sky 2』

Oct 13, 2011 23:56

Hello (*゚ノO゚)<オオオオォォォォォォォーーーーーイ!

Today is raining ☂ I need to bring my umbrella. ( つ Д `)

It's 11.30PM here. Yes, I know... I should go to sleep now [(--)]ZZzzz...

But but but... why I'm here? ┐('~`;)┌

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Don't worry. I'm not angry. I'm just happy. So I want to share with you. There's two reason. Which one you want to ( Read more... )

random things, ayumi, youtube, ayumi hamasaki, akanishi jin, jpop, my life

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Comments 12

yuchen85 October 13 2011, 19:02:13 UTC
haha..me too *jumps up and down* i can´t wait for the release and i repeat the teaser again and again xD

and OMG that´s so great.
The vid is really beautiful. i´ll cross my fingers for u that it will be on the DVD that u can see it.
and btw it´s such a lovely project <3


yunizhamasaki October 16 2011, 08:56:36 UTC
imo, the best part is "Yeah, It's Jin Jin Jin" hehehe
We will wait together ne

Deshou? I can't participate in the first project. Then my friend told me about the second project. Actually the project starts because International Fans want Ayu to make world tour. So to show how UNITE, we make the video.hehe.
And we didn't expect she to play the video during MC in her concert. LOL...For sure I'll buy the dvd concert if my hand is there. If not, I still buy it too.hehehe


yuchen85 October 16 2011, 22:19:20 UTC
i found the phrase "I just wanna live my life" or someting so beutiful, it says EVERYTHING and i´m so happy for him right now^^

Even if u can´t participate in the firt Project u join the second and it´s beautiful. Hope that it brings some results. I guess when she hold a world tour i will go to cause she was the one who bring me into J Pop , without her i would not be here ^^

Haha u are still a true fan so u will buy it so or so *lol*


yunizhamasaki October 22 2011, 04:40:14 UTC
I don't know why. People always say Jin is Baka. But sometimes, his behaviour is something incredible. Something that make you think "WOW". Unbelievable. He just do what he thinks is right. That's something I like about him.

Haha...me too. I already tell my mom, if next year Ayu make a world tour and the venue is near my country, I will go.hahaha...

LOL...yeah. I will buy it no matter what is it.hahaha

p/s: Don't use that icon anymore when you are 'talking' with me. *dying* XD


cnidaria_jin October 16 2011, 08:17:08 UTC
Dearrrrr...mana satu tangan you ni???
Keconfiusan berlaku la wlpon i keep replaying at 1:41. :D

and i'm sorry for not replying your message. That time i kena handle acara bola jaring for Karnival Mini Sukan for my college. SO sibuk skit til yesterday. Pastu menghadapai headache pada masa yg sama myababkan habis je game akan terus balik tido. Message you i terlupa nak balas la yang. Today getting better, so i menyemak kat LJ you :D

well about that thing, leyz yg gtaw saya. i'm not really know since i'm out of fandom. tp rasa sedihla bila that thing happened ;______________;


yunizhamasaki October 16 2011, 09:01:21 UTC
Tgn sy? You pergi ke my few previous entries. Yuni ada tunjuk kan tgn yuni. Kat jari tgh yuni ada cincin. Gmbr nya gelap sikit. Ada nampak daun pokok pinang dgn rambutan.hehehe...ambil kat depan rumah je

It's okay. You told me before that this weekend, you mmg busy. So how are you now? Haha...kita kan mmg ada bakat semak menyemak ni. Well, ahli tetap club stalker katakan.hahaha

Me too. LOL...yuni lg lah OUT of fandom. Even I'm not part of KAT-TUN fans, tp still sedih gak bila berlaku macam tu.
Cakap pasal leyz, ni tgh geram dgn dia. Tahu tak ari ni dia 'date' dgn along? Sampai hati. tsk tsk tsk.hehehehe

p/s: you free bila ek?can i have your hug?There's something that make me feel like want to shout. Grrr....


cnidaria_jin October 16 2011, 18:01:01 UTC
Haha nanti i check balik eh :D Famous pokok rambutan tu kan? XDD

Sorry again eh. Kepala dah okay tp period pain lak, so meringkuk la la *__________* Omooo i baru je cam nak kembali ke twitter weekend ni kononnya, tp x tercapai gak. Now tgh sibuk nak siapkan last assignment before balik cuti deepavali, so sangat bsemangat nak buat keja nih :D

Retarded fans mmg camtu. I hate both KT5 and AO fans yg x reti nak respect others. Then gaduh over stupid things. Tskk <.<

WHAAAAAT? Along ngan Leyz were on date? MAJIII? Jealousnya pada mereka berdua! Mereka tinggal dekat eh? Yuni..bila lak kita nak date nih??? huhu

p/s: sayang, what happened? Let me hug you even now! *HUGS YOU TIGHTLY*


yunizhamasaki October 22 2011, 04:43:22 UTC
tulah. org lain mana ada tunjuk pokok rambutan. Kalaulah pokok tu blh berckp, confirm yuni minta royalti.hahaha

so skrg ni dah cuti kan?woah...bestnya.yuni still praktikal gak. T_T

LOL...nak wat mcm ne. Bila kita nasihatkan, diaorg tak nak dgr. diaorg fikir apa diaorg wat tu betul. pleaselah...nak gaduh2 sbb benda bodoh mcm tu, no wonder diaorg pun sama bodoh.

Yup.rasanya diaorg g KLCC kot.diaorg saje je nak jeleskan yuni. g inform kat yuni.argh...
Jom...bila kita ada masa, kita g buat date.ahahah

p/s: now you know the reason why, right?hehehe


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