Yes, normally I'm faster! ^____^ I'm slowly going crazy over here, to be honest, because I SOOOOO~~ want this new album now, but I try to be patient!!
SURE! I'll send you a message after I got it and then we can talk! ^__^
I don't have a lot of money right now, so I've only bought the new album so far! But I REALLY want to buy the "Rock*n*Roll Circus"-tour soon too! I saw some pics and clips and it looks SOOOOOO awesome!! *____*<33
It's not normally but ALWAYS you are faster than me.hahaha
Yeah. We will talk about it non-stop. I don't mind at all since it's relate to our QUEEN!!! XD
You mean RnRC dvd concert? I have it. I bought it around this June. Maybe I forgot to mention it.hehe... I downloaded the BR version from AHS but then buy the dvd version because I don't have BR player T_T... It's definitely worthy to buy. It's one of her best concert. I love it. Woah!!! WHy I can't stop talk about her? XD
Tu IJN ke?? mcm art exhibition lak.. Ak pon nk post gak gamba brg arashi ak..(sje nk lawan ko..haha..) Aisy..asal la internet ak ni lembab sgt?? p/s:sje gune userpic aiba ngan matsujun..haha
LOL A'ah...tu IJN. Comel kan 'hotel' aku tu? Sama macam pesakitnya.hehehe
Tulah.Dulu tak macam tu.Dulu sesak gila tapi lepas dia besarkan, tu yg macam masuk hotel je.
Alah...mestilah ko menang. Aku punya barang Ayu sikit je.hehe...ada juga fan Arashi yg suka menunjuk yek?hahaha
Siput ko masih slow lg?Aku punya dah okay sikit. Tp tulah...kadang2 bila mood dia nak menggatal, mula buat hal. Just nak download vid yg ada girl cantik or boy handsome je. Napelah tak macam tuannya kan yg innocent 24/7 ni.hehe
p/s: ko saje je ek nak jeles kan aku. Oh *runs to aiba*
Ko mmg comel..spe ckp ko x comel.. mcm ninomiya eri..haha..ak stakat ni hospital yg ak pnh pegi HKL yg sgt loser tu je..dh la servis lembab..layan mcm nk x nak je..
bkn lately dh mls dh nk update lj..tu yg ak tunggu smpi byk2, br ak nk update sekali gus..haha
slow doe..dlm 2-3 hr ni ak dh nmpk pattern die dh..slalu kalo ak blk keje, mmg laju r time tu..smalam ak donlod zenkai girl cepat je..pastu dlm kul 10 camtu die jd giler dh smpi ke pg..tu yg tension tu..dh la slalu time tu yg byk update..
alah ko tu..bkn sume yg ko dld psl laky hensem ngan pompuan kiut ke..kalo btol pon die menggatal..ikut ko r..asik nk kejar lelaki hensem je..hentai..haha
p/s: pegi la ko kt aiba tu..ak nk peluk matsujun sorang2..haha
LOL...sengal lah ko.nape nak di ingatkan kembali kisah silam?hahaha Aku?Hmm...dah puas merasa ddk kat hospital.naik bosan byk2 hospital aku pernah g, IJN plg best lah.hehe
Haha...aku pun ntahlah.klu ada mood, aku post. Klu tak, bersawang lah LJ aku ni.buka tiap2 hari just nak tgk update friends je.diri sendiri malas nak update.hehehe
Woah, siap dah ada pattern tu.klu aku terbalik plak.masa blk kerja tu lah yg slow.sampai dlm pkl 11-12 tu slownya. tp lps pkl 12 laju gila.masa org nak tidur lah, baru siput seekor gatal ni nak laju.
Haha...mana ada. Aku innocent babe. Mana ada DL sume yg macam tu. Siput aku ni je yg PAKSA aku.haha..aku mana kejar lelaki handsome. diaorg yg nak kat aku. aku terima jelah.ahahah
P/s: Mmg pun aku nak lari ke Aiba je sbb aku tahu tak de chance nya ko nak beri Matsujun tu kat aku sekejap. Aku punya baik share Ryo sekejap kat ko tp ko mana ada nak share Matsujun dgn aku? Sedih wo.hahaha
yup kat ijn. dulu lain.masa yuni operation thn 2009, baru je buka pun, still ada lg yg di renovate. yg dulu punya kat tepi.skrg tmpt tu khas utk wad je. makin besar. blh sesat tu.hahaha
Comments 37
This time you got your copy of Ayu's new album faster than me! ^___^
I'm happy for you! ENJOY the new album!
I hope mine will arrive soon too! *________*
Of course. This is one of her best. Okay. I can't decide which one is her best but still
I hope you will get your copy SOON. Then we can talk about it. You still not watch the PV, right? Usually you only watch after get your copy, right?
Did you buy CDL too? My copy might arrive on the first week of October.
I'm slowly going crazy over here, to be honest, because I SOOOOO~~ want this new album now, but I try to be patient!!
SURE! I'll send you a message after I got it and then we can talk! ^__^
I don't have a lot of money right now, so I've only bought the new album so far! But I REALLY want to buy the "Rock*n*Roll Circus"-tour soon too! I saw some pics and clips and it looks SOOOOOO awesome!! *____*<33
Yeah. We will talk about it non-stop. I don't mind at all since it's relate to our QUEEN!!! XD
You mean RnRC dvd concert? I have it. I bought it around this June. Maybe I forgot to mention it.hehe... I downloaded the BR version from AHS but then buy the dvd version because I don't have BR player T_T... It's definitely worthy to buy. It's one of her best concert. I love it. Woah!!! WHy I can't stop talk about her? XD
*pinch yu-chan* *runs* lol
The name is Institut Jantung Negara. The hospital is focus only for heart disease.hehe
Yeah, the lobby is not like a hospital, right?That's why I always say I'm going to my five star hotel.hehe
Why you want to pinch me???? *kick Citra*
Ak pon nk post gak gamba brg arashi ak..(sje nk lawan ko..haha..) Aisy..asal la internet ak ni lembab sgt??
p/s:sje gune userpic aiba ngan matsujun..haha
A'ah...tu IJN. Comel kan 'hotel' aku tu? Sama macam pesakitnya.hehehe
Tulah.Dulu tak macam tu.Dulu sesak gila tapi lepas dia besarkan, tu yg macam masuk hotel je.
Alah...mestilah ko menang. Aku punya barang Ayu sikit je.hehe...ada juga fan Arashi yg suka menunjuk yek?hahaha
Siput ko masih slow lg?Aku punya dah okay sikit. Tp tulah...kadang2 bila mood dia nak menggatal, mula buat hal. Just nak download vid yg ada girl cantik or boy handsome je. Napelah tak macam tuannya kan yg innocent 24/7 ni.hehe
p/s: ko saje je ek nak jeles kan aku. Oh *runs to aiba*
bkn lately dh mls dh nk update lj..tu yg ak tunggu smpi byk2, br ak nk update sekali gus..haha
slow doe..dlm 2-3 hr ni ak dh nmpk pattern die dh..slalu kalo ak blk keje, mmg laju r time tu..smalam ak donlod zenkai girl cepat je..pastu dlm kul 10 camtu die jd giler dh smpi ke pg..tu yg tension tu..dh la slalu time tu yg byk update..
alah ko tu..bkn sume yg ko dld psl laky hensem ngan pompuan kiut ke..kalo btol pon die menggatal..ikut ko r..asik nk kejar lelaki hensem je..hentai..haha
p/s: pegi la ko kt aiba tu..ak nk peluk matsujun sorang2..haha
Aku?Hmm...dah puas merasa ddk kat hospital.naik bosan byk2 hospital aku pernah g, IJN plg best lah.hehe
Haha...aku pun ntahlah.klu ada mood, aku post. Klu tak, bersawang lah LJ aku ni.buka tiap2 hari just nak tgk update friends je.diri sendiri malas nak update.hehehe
Woah, siap dah ada pattern tu.klu aku terbalik plak.masa blk kerja tu lah yg slow.sampai dlm pkl 11-12 tu slownya. tp lps pkl 12 laju gila.masa org nak tidur lah, baru siput seekor gatal ni nak laju.
Haha...mana ada. Aku innocent babe. Mana ada DL sume yg macam tu. Siput aku ni je yg PAKSA aku.haha..aku mana kejar lelaki handsome. diaorg yg nak kat aku. aku terima jelah.ahahah
P/s: Mmg pun aku nak lari ke Aiba je sbb aku tahu tak de chance nya ko nak beri Matsujun tu kat aku sekejap. Aku punya baik share Ryo sekejap kat ko tp ko mana ada nak share Matsujun dgn aku? Sedih wo.hahaha
LOL...I believe many hospitals around the world already be better than before. So it will be bigger. Beautiful?hahaha
OMG!!! They like to go to hospital? What do you think if I offer my appointment to them?So they can meet my doctor.still at hospital, right?XD
Yeah. It's like that here. If your doctor has power in the hospital, you are lucky.
LOL... Because Doctor Aizama IS our doctor. Of course we only concern about our own doctor.XD
Of course. My parents give the name to me so for me it's special.haha...then i know someone in somewhere has similar name. OH NO! XD
MC is medical certificate. if we work then sick, we will use the MC to get the leave.hehehehehe
mcm xpenah tgk
kt penah g sekali jer, tu pown masuk kat laluan lain kot..
xingt ah..dh lama..=p
yg dulu punya kat tepi.skrg tmpt tu khas utk wad je. makin besar. blh sesat tu.hahaha
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