[APH][fan-art] Art Dump 3

Mar 28, 2011 22:47



All links lead to bigger DA pics.

"APH - In Sickness + In Health"

Awww, Austria, for all your penny-pinching ways, you don't mind risking your money at all for as long as its for Hungary, do you? :XD:

I think I may be working for a German bank for far too long to have come up with this... heh.


"APH - Food Adaptation"

I honestly had a good laugh when I went through that particular section of my "An Edible History of Humanity" book.

I know we shouldn't look at history with Hetalia goggles on, but jeez, I found that just so like Austria!!! :XD:


Geh, I was planning on completing at least four yonkomas this past week. Getting sick when you're supposed to be on your planned vacation really, really sucks. >_<


char: france, hetalia, char: germany, char: spain, pair: austria/hungary, char: prussia, yonkoma, fan-art, char: italy, char: austria, char: hungary

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