So this is what people do when they turn 18…

Jan 16, 2005 20:27

So much for thinking this 3-day weekend would be boring and homework-themed. Not that these particular expectations not being fulfilled is a bad thing, of course. I actually dreaded coming home because I knew that this was going to be one mother of an entry. I could make it really short, I know, but later on, I’d be upset that I wasn’t more ( Read more... )

friends, meme, fangirling out, birthday, nostalgia

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Comments 4

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yumytaffy January 16 2005, 23:09:33 UTC
oh... and... err... I find this funny.. because on the first one you wrote "xchatnoir" and the second "chatnoirx"... it's "xchatnoirx" just smash the two together ;) thanks.
Whoops. I guess that's what I get for trying to write all that while running on a collective ten hours of sleep from the past two days. Consider your name(s) fixed and me ready to knock out. ;)


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yumytaffy January 17 2005, 17:56:10 UTC
1. For visiting people there, yes. For transfering schools, no because I really don't want to go though that whole process. =X

2. Something in the behind the scenes in the Industry. Maybe a producer or AD.

3. Forget to breathe, whip my phone out to call basically ANYONE to squee about it, and try very unsuccessfully to calmly and rationally start a coherent conversation with him. Or I'd squeal and totally fangirl out. Whatever.

4. In 9th grade, my cohort thought it would be fun for everyone to have matching SN's consisting of "yumy" (why they only used one M is still beyond me) and a food. I picked taffy because I was still in my 2gether phase, and taffy was Chad's favorite food. I'm really not creative, so I stuck with it for a while, and by the time I came up with something new, all my online friends knew me as yumytaffy, so I usually stick with it for things such as LJ and message boards.

Ooh, questions are fun. =D


actionvaughn January 17 2005, 11:42:54 UTC
Okay I'm gonna grill you now.. =P

1. Honestly- what would you do if Alias was cancelled?

2. You're eighteen, yet you're in college. How'd that work out?

3. Why did you choose UC Irvine and not somewhere else such as.. oh.. UCSC? =P


yumytaffy January 17 2005, 18:01:30 UTC
1. I'd be in such denial for the longest time, then I'd probably shed a tear or a billion, and then I'd accept that it was a long time coming and we were lucky that we got as much Alias as we did. And then I'd join the cause in helping get Alias back on the air or on the movie screen because you KNOW that people would try to organize that ( ... )


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