If it’s healthier to leave you be, may a sickness come and set me free

Dec 07, 2004 17:29

So the tradition of streakers on the first Monday of Finals Week lived on last night. We actually went outside in the freezing cold to check it out, and there was a lot of nakedness that I wish I never witnessed. Consider me scarred for life. On a more pleasant note, I finally finished the praise meme although if you still want to be included, ( Read more... )

meme, dorm, nostalgia

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Comments 14

sleepingawake47 December 7 2004, 18:09:28 UTC
Wow. I don't know what to say.

Oh wait, I do. I've been using your friendship for..........*looks around* music! Muhaha that's it! Good-BYE! *slams door*

No honestly, I'm so grateful that I met you and that we've become such good friends. You've teached taught me so much! Hahah. And I don't just mean grammar.

I honestly feel like I'm so much better of a person since I met you. You've honestly made me really appreciate my friends and well, frankly love MV more. Teehee. And the fanfics! Guh, we can't forget those! All those rec's and re-reads. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. You're just the greatest.

But I'm gonna save all the really mushy stuff for your bday [or xmas] card, so I'll keep it tissue-free in the 2 double 0 three. [plus one]

Thanks buddy! *huuuuuuuuuuuug*

And you'll do amazing on the finals, don't worry!


yumytaffy December 7 2004, 21:16:46 UTC
Me? A grammar teacher? Where ever did you get that idea? ;)

I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. You're just the greatest.
You'd probably have a lot more time on your hands without me distracting you, that's for sure. =P But aww! *hug*

I'll keep it tissue-free in the 2 double 0 three. [plus one]
This? Never fails to crack me up.

And you'll do amazing on the finals, don't worry!
Lies! All lies! But thanks for the bout of confidence. *double hugs*


actionvaughn December 7 2004, 18:21:01 UTC
Aww! *mush* And sure, your closet sounds mighty comfy. =D Sorry to hear that you're sick and have finals.. Feel better!

And to add to you praises, can I mention that chshalogrl and oldromantic are quite possibly some of the best writers in fandom?


yumytaffy December 7 2004, 21:13:27 UTC
Thank you for the wishes for good health. Hopefully they'll kick in sometime soon so my head will de-muddle itself in time to study. One good thing about sleeping in our closet: it'll sheild you from mine and Roomie's germs! =D

can I mention that chshalogrl and oldromantic are quite possibly some of the best writers in fandom?
You may, and I'll second that because they really and truly are. Yes, chshalogrl and oldromantic, the love for you two continues down in the comments, too. (Hmm. And here I thought I was done with the kissing up. =P)


hi_jinx December 7 2004, 19:24:03 UTC
Heh. I'll truly spout about your own personal wonderfulness on my own LJ, but I must comment on your comments about moi here.

Never apologize for quoting Jack Nicholson, or using any film quotage, when you think of me. I mean, come on -- you read DC. I throw in an abundance of film/TV/Alias references, most of which are never even noticed ;) Your thoughts above were incredibly sweet. And for the record, the "Fantastic Fic-Writing Five" or whatever, are known as the Posse. I should know - I named us ;P But that story is for another day (shut up oldromantic). We support each other because we respect each other's writings and plus, we are all good friends. You guys, our fans, get the by-products of that friendship ( ... )


yumytaffy December 7 2004, 21:08:31 UTC
And for the record, the "Fantastic Fic-Writing Five" or whatever, are known as the Posse.
Oh, I know. It's just that it kind of popped into my head as I was writing, and I couldn't resist the alliteration. I am, however, now fully intrigued at (for? about? I'm out of prepositions here) the backstory of the name "Posse." ;)

I'm kind of notorious for my rapid-fire sarcasm
I'm known among my friends as the snarky one, too, so I really get a kick out of when I get to witness another's personal brand of snark especially when it's as witty and hilarious as yours.

And I WISH that I could reply to every one of y'all (and don't think I didn't read your comment above...I'm trying not to take it personal *sniff*), but I just can't.
Oh, don't worry. Like I said, I understand that most authors really don't have the time, and yes, we do feel the love through your writing! *hug*


hi_jinx December 9 2004, 16:37:24 UTC
I am, however, now fully intrigued at (for? about? I'm out of prepositions here) the backstory of the name "Posse." ;)

All I can reveal is that involves a couple of Yahoo conference room chats. It's kind of a..."What happens when you put 5 writers in a chatroom" kind of thing. Wackiness ensued :)


govvo21 December 7 2004, 20:45:06 UTC
whats a flist?


yumytaffy December 7 2004, 21:07:16 UTC
"Flist" is "friends list." Sorry. Sometimes I forget that not everyone on my friends list is from the Alias online community and versed in the language of LJ. =/


chshalogrl December 7 2004, 22:25:05 UTC

I REALLY shouldn't be on LJ right now since I'm literally buried in a pile of reading...but I had to come on and offer my most heartfelt thanks for your lovely words. I'm a bit overwhelmed with finals at the moment (as I'm sure you are) and such kind words were quite effective in lifting my spirits. I'm still baffled as to how I've been grouped with the authors I adore...Amy knows this. But hey, I take notes and learn from them.

Oh yeah. I can most certainly attest to hijinx400 ever-present snarkiness. She IS Weiss. But I love Weiss. ;)

Thank you!


hi_jinx December 9 2004, 16:34:24 UTC
I am SO busting you for being on LJ when you should be studying..or packing..or writing my praise meme!!!

Yes, I am Weiss...and I'm proud of it. And I know you love Weiss. But you love Cole more ;)

Psst! Check out my comment up yonder about the Posse...tee hee!! Ahhhh, the memories...

Love ya, sis!!


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