Birthday Funtimes (But we won't mention the getting older part)

Jan 22, 2011 11:29

Belated thank you to all the lovelies who wished me happy birthday last week. You all know how to make a girl feel loved. Extra thank you to campjinx25 for being her. She knows why she's awesome. ♥

For my birthday, my lovely, wonderful, amazing friends surprised me by taking me to see Cirque Berzerk. It's essentially a bunch of goth-y, vaguely-but-not-quite ( Read more... )

doctor who, birthday, supernatural, community, friends, life unexpected, being human (us), modern family, primeval, torchood

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Comments 2

misspacific January 23 2011, 01:43:49 UTC
I liked Life Unexpected for awhile. It really started to get boring for me after the first several episodes, and once Lux started the affair with her teacher, I was done. I did watch the finale and noticed the same things you did. Unfortunately, I just couldn't let go of my anger over yet another good-show-gone-bad. I won't miss it.

I know not of what you speak when it comes to the other shows (except Modern Family) so I have no comment. Glad you had a fun birthday! I will give you the belated gift of birthday cupcakes (in the form of an icon, of course).


yumytaffy January 27 2011, 23:31:26 UTC
Yes, Life Unexpected had the potential to be a classic WB show but sort of fell apart right out of the gate. It had some good moments, though, even if they were few and far between. You're right about the teacher affair; it really squicked me out, too.

Thanks for the birthday wishes!


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