A Day (Plus 4 Days) and a Dollar Short

Jan 05, 2011 17:43

This is a few days late, but it's still in the first week of the new year, so the tradition still holds. That's what I'm choosing to believe anyway.

End of the Year Meme: 2010 Edition )

meme, glee, zachary levi, joel mchale, primeval, john krasinski, david tennant, scott pilgrim, doctor who, disneyland, community, top gear, alias, fringe, modern family, bones

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Comments 2

adinfinitum January 6 2011, 15:19:11 UTC

My cousin had a baby girl, Sydney, whom she says isn't named after Sydney Bristow. We all have our doubts about that claim.
LOL!!! I'm thinking about doing an Alias re-watch one of these days. Dude, you have to join in if it actually pans out!!

FFFF, NKOTBSBBBBB. I totally got tickets to see them with my grade school BFF. She's admittedly more excited than me but we're both crazy excited. I just think it'll be hilarious and so much fun. She, on the other hand, has whole dance sequences still memorized. IDEK, man...

"Teenage Dream." Love the Glee/Warblers version. Hate the Katy Perry version.
WHUT. I love the Katy Perry version ;___; Although Blaine is basically the number two reason why I watch Glee right now. The number one reason is Cory Monteith's face.

Spent time with friends, gone out and actually acted like a 23-year-old
God, I so feel you on these.

Glee (Even if the Sectionals episode made me want to punch a baby)THE WHOLE SHOW MAKES ME WANT TO PUNCH A BABY THESE DAYS, GODDAMN. All of the shows you listed tho, I ( ... )


yumytaffy January 10 2011, 17:09:07 UTC
[Delayed response alert!]

LOL!!! I'm thinking about doing an Alias re-watch one of these days. Dude, you have to join in if it actually pans out!!
I've been forever planning an Alias re-watch, but every time I start (yes, all two times I tried), I find myself skipping to the Syd/Vaughn parts. I always forget how freaking adorable they were.

I totally got tickets to see them with my grade school BFF.
YOU'RE A DIRTY LYING LIAR WHO LIES. I'm expecting a picspam of epic proportion after that show.

Although Blaine is basically the number two reason why I watch Glee right now. The number one reason is Cory Monteith's face.
My number one reason is Cory Monteith's general existence. (Confused!Finn brightens my day like you wouldn't believe. And what he lacks in vocal prowess he makes up for...with awkward dancing. And effort. He always gives it his all.) Close second is everything Mike Chang.

This meme is one of my favorite things about the new year. And just for the record, I love your long comments. Long comments make LJ go 'round. <3


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