This post is either two weeks late or ten years late, depending on how you look at it.

Dec 03, 2010 17:52

In case any of the old school Backstreet Boys or New Kids on the Block fans haven't seen it yet, this happened at the AMAs a couple of weeks ago and was sort of one of the greatest things ever:

image Click to view

A few things:
1. The mash-up name "NKOTBSB" is so amazing, I don't know what to do with myself.

2.. New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys were my first fangirl loves, though I was admittedly 3 years old for the former. If there were vandalized photos of 'N Sync in the background, it would've been a perfect representation of the first 15 years of my life.

3.. Every time I re-watch the performance--and oh, boy, there have been repeat re-watchings--I can feel myself turning into a 13-year-old again. I'm talking giggling, wanting to put up posters, telling the world how hot I actually think Nick Carter is. This is not good.

4.. The part where they pair up according to their counterparts in the each band cracks me up: the bad boys (AJ and Donnie), the cute ones (Nick and Joe(y)), the ones who can sing (Brian and Jordan). Then there are the other ones who no one really cares about.

5. As campjinx25 pointed out, Joey McIntire's hip thrusts were so potent, the air got pregnant.

Also, they sold out the Staples Center before we got a chance to get tickets. Woe is me!

On a related--and appropriate, given the flux of '90s cartoon profile pics on Facebook this weekend--note, today I was linked to one of the greatest sites to grace the internet, It's like someone went into my memories, took notes, and wrote a blog about it. It also introduced me to the phrase "slammered drunk," which I must somehow incorporate into my daily vocabulary. How did I not know that was a thing until now?

nkotbsb, nostalgia

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