Here's to 2010...

Jan 01, 2010 11:23

Happy New Year to one and all! Hope you all had a wonderful and safe night last night ( Read more... )

pushing daisies, meme, doctor who, comic-con 2009, glee, alice, the office

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Comments 3

misspacific January 2 2010, 01:53:50 UTC
I've told myself that I'm due for an epic introspective entry in which I wax poetic about the past year--and hell, the past decade. We'll see if that entry ever finds its way to my LJ. If that entry never happens, I hope to do a good ol' fashioned embarrassing picspam of the last few years, complete with cameos from a handful of you dear flisters. Oh, yes, I have photos from various fangirl outings and a certain Alias Finale Weekend Extravaganza that need to be re-posted and reminisced over.

A part of me fears this, but another part of me thinks it's necessary. I mentioned in my own meme about feeling like I've lost touch with friends. That's also true here in El-Jay land. I feel like tehposse needs to make some sort of we all have to post (even if it's just locked to each other) by a certain day/time each week. Maybe that would get my ass in gear. I miss you guys and hearing (reading?) about your lives!


yumytaffy January 2 2010, 04:30:04 UTC
I feel like tehposse needs to make some sort of we all have to post (even if it's just locked to each other) by a certain day/time each week.
I really like this idea. I, too, have felt cut off from everyone on LJ, and that's probably mostly my own doing. I miss catching up with all of you, too! Drive-by posts by everyone just ain't cutting it.

I think that we'll all appreciate keeping consistently updated blogs in the long run, too. Ang and Tracie already update pretty regularly. Now if only we can track down Em...


campjinx25 January 5 2010, 20:18:14 UTC
12. Only slightly? You kidding me? I've never been crazier--in both the crazy in the funny way AND the crazy way.

34. Happy to help. You do the same for me, sis.


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