The Doctor is the most adorably emotionally messed up character ever.

May 10, 2008 02:52

Even though she barely knows how to turn on the computer and probably has never heard of LiveJournal, much less knows I have one, I’ll say it anyway: Happy Birthday to my mommy! =)

I've been stalling on updating for the past week because I promised myself the next thing I'd post would be the ginormous post-episodic Doctor Who post I've been ( Read more... )

doctor who, birthday

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Comments 3

belanna_paris May 13 2008, 18:10:30 UTC
Woah....that was long!!

I thought that The Sontaran Stratagem was better that the second part. I also love all these little tidbits we are getting about the Time War - something is a cooking with these references!

I did love the "Are you my mummy?" joke - just fantastic!


yumytaffy May 15 2008, 06:52:37 UTC
*ducks* I didn't think anyone would sit through all of that rambling. I thought I was talking to myself, really. Kudos to you for your dedication.

Anyway, I just hope all of the Time War references are leading up to something big and not at all disappointing. *ignores 'LotTL'*

That "Are you my mummy?" joke gets me every time. It doesn't get old.


ex_miss_pru June 12 2008, 14:55:13 UTC
Hello - I'm going to be very evil about the whole 'Poor American accent and Evil!Yank thing you mentioned'. THE SHOE IS ON THE OTHER FOOT!!
Brits have TERRIBLE press in American movies and so on. 90% of the time we're evil - it's the accent. And the vast majority of British accents on American telly are appalling.
I was rather glad Doctor Who struck back - because we don't half get fed up of the Evil!Brit thing.
Sorry. Rant over. What a lovely review.


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