Is it the middle of the night or just really early in the day?

Apr 15, 2008 02:02

Happy, Happy Birthday, oldromantic!

I hope you have a fantabulous day, Em! *ginormous flying tackle hug*

I got a postcard in the mail from UCI saying that my diploma is ready to be picked up. Seeing as I've been done with classes since December, I'm not entirely surprised that my diploma is done. Still, holy crap, my diploma is readyI've been able to ( Read more... )

birthday, school

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Comments 1

oldromantic April 15 2008, 20:38:38 UTC
Thank you, Roda!! *squeezehugs* And that e-card - LMAO!! I had to play it three times to get what they were saying/singing because my boys kept laughing with me, but OMG, that was a RIOT! *lol* Thanks for that too!!

Congrats on the diploma being ready, but, eh, save the jump into real life as long as you possibly can. ;)


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