Price of Youth (3/?)

Aug 31, 2013 22:04

Title: Price of Youth (3/?)
Group: Sexy Zone
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Darkfic, Horror
Summary: The two youngest bandmembers have been maturing a lot since their debut. But the agencys' concept of a perfect band is different...

Kento POV
I didn’t suspect anything weird when I saw my two band mates hugging in front of the building we had dance practice in. Maybe a bad grade in school, maybe a little fight in the family, that was nothing unusual at that age, was it? So I tried cheering them up with a smile as we walked in.
But they still seemed distracted the whole time. Normally, when we had problems or were worried about something we tried forgetting about it at least for band activities. And I could see, the youngest two were trying not to let us know that something was wrong, that they were feeling bad, but we did notice. Well, at least I did. And, to be honest, I was a bit offended when they didn’t come and talk to me about what was wrong. I was the oldest one and, even if this sounds a bit conceited, by far the one who could give the best advice out of the five of us. Until now, they had asked me if they weren’t sure with making decisions or if they had any problems. So, every time our eyes met, I pouted or looked away theatrically. That was childish, I know, but I wanted them to see that I did realize that something was wrong and that I was disappointed they were keeping secrets from me. But I couldn’t help it and mixture my looks with worries. Maybe they were having problems they just couldn’t talk about? If they were talking about it to me or not was their decisions, but the fact that they were having problems was worrying me enough.
“Is everything okay?” Fuma asked when we took a little break from dancing. “Did you guys have a fight?”
“Oh, no, it’s… nothing.” I smiled at him as I shook my head. “But…” the last one I would be having secrets from was Fuma, so I decided to share my worries with him. “Don’t you think they are acting weird? Did they talk to you?” I was preparing to explode of jealousy if he told me that Marius and Sou did talk to him, but not to me. Luckily, Fuma tilted his head and sighed. “I realized that, too. They didn’t talk to me. Why do you ask? I thought you are their first choice if they have any problems.” He laughed a bit, but eventually changed his expression when he saw that I was still not happy with his answer.
“Don’t worry, Kento. If it was something serious, they would definitely come and talk to us, right? But if you’re not satisfied with that, we can go and talk to them, ok? Let’s do that! But first… we need to finish dancing, come on!” he pulled me on my feet again and we continued dancing.
When the practice was over and we grabbed our water bottles, wanting to leave the dance studio, Marius and Sou were still standing in the middle of the room. Shori threw a confused look at them, asking. “Won't you come? The practice is over, isn't it?”
Sou avoided his eyes, stuttering a little. “Yeah... We... we want to practice a little more, because we're not that good...”
I frowned. I didn't know why, but I didn't believe Sou. They became very good at dancing recently. Sometimes I wondered if they had practice at home together. But they wouldn't lie at us, would they?
I opened my mouth but Fuma send me a warning look, smiled and said. “It's okay. I don't think you need to practice more but if you're feeling better then. Give your best okay?”
Sou looked at his shoes, nodding. Fuma dragged me out of the room. I threw a last worried look at my two band mates, who were still standing there, now with a scared expression on their face. Something was definitely wrong. Definitely. And I swore to myself that I wouldn't rest until they were happy again.
I turned to face Fuma, asking with annoyance. “Why did you stop me from saying something?”
He sighed. “I think it'll be better if we talk to them when they are at home and in a better situation.”
I nodded slowly. “Yeah... maybe you're right. I'm sorry... Thank you Fuma.”
“Don't always apologize Kento! You don't need to. Really. Sometimes you only try to make everyone happy or to be like they want you to be. Only because you're afraid they wouldn't like you anymore. But let me tell you this. Everyone who really likes you, likes you how you are and that won't change! So don't always worry how people could take some words from you and stop apologizing!”
I stared at my shoes, a little embarrassed.
Fuma sighed again. “Anyways... I think we should talk to them tomorrow. We should visit them at home.”
Glad, that he changed the topic, I agreed. “Yeah, but we should do it alone. Let's say... I'm going to visit Sou-chan and you'll visit Mari-chan.”
Fuma smiled and nodded. “Ok then let's go. Or Shori will wonder why we aren't coming.”
I looked around and really, Shori was gone. Fuma must've noticed my confused look and chuckled.
“He left because he had the feeling that we needed to talk alone.”
“Oh.” I wiped a strand out of my face, trying not to look at Fuma.
“Don't you dare to make yourself reproaches.” he said firmly. But then he chuckled and pulled me with him. I smiled and we went to the dressing room.
When the three of us were at the entrance of the agency, ready to leave I noticed that I forgot my shoes inside. I said “Goodbye” to the others and turned again to get them.
Back in the dressing room I grabbed my shoes and turned around when I suddenly heard a sobbing. Confused I looked around. Fuma and Shori were gone and Marius and Sou were still practicing, weren't they?
That was when I saw Sou, curled in one corner of the room, hugging his knees, face buried in them, crying.
I stepped a little closer, asking gently “Sou? What happened?” while kneeling down next to him.
The sobbing stopped. He raised his head slowly, looking at me with wide eyes and totally distraught. I stopped breathing for a second. I'd never seen him like this before.
“Sou? Is everything okay? Do you... want to talk about it?”
Instead of an answer Sou pressed his hands against his forehead making a face full of pain. I laid my hand gently on his shoulder, uncertain what to do. It hurted to see him like this.
He flinched back, like my hand was hurting him. Suddenly, Sou jumped up and ran away.
“Sou! Wait!” I shouted after him but he had already disappeared.
“What was this?” I murmured to myself. Now I was really worried.
“Huh?” There was something lying next to the place where Sou had been sitting. I took it and touched at the display. I really wanted to help him, so he wouldn't mind if I was looking if maybe there was a hint in his messages or such.
But what I saw on the display surprised me a little. It seems like Sou had recorded something, before I came in. All in all there were four recordings. Curiously I touched the first one.
I could hear Sous’ voice, first saying something about where he was, what time it was and that he would record his voice every day from now on, to prove if Johnny-san was really right. When he said that he didn't hope so, his voice became slightly shaky.
I frowned.
After a moment of silence he began to sing “Real Sexy”. He even sang our solo lines. His voice was so beautiful that I hoped with all my heart that he'd have a solo song in future too.
But what was that with Johnny-san?
I listened to the next one. It was from the same date. Monday.
It continued the same way. He said where he was and that it was evening. He also said that he had spoken with Mari-chan and that Johnny maybe was right. Now his voice was shaking even more.
Again he sang “Real Sexy”. I frowned.
Something in his voice was different. When he spoke I didn't noticed it that much. But when he sang I noticed that it couldn't be just a cold or something like that. His voice had become... higher. But I still couldn't believe it. I shook my head wondering if there maybe was something with my ears.
Then I touched the recording from Tuesday.
It was just like the other ones. Only that he talked hesitantly about that thing with Johnny. When he said “Tomorrow we've to-” he interrupted himself, letting out a little gasp. After a few seconds of silence where I could only hear him breathing hardly, like he was in pain, he cleared his throat. Then he sang again, but this time his voice was shaky.
Now I was sure. I wasn't imagining things. His voice really became higher. But why? I frowned.
I could understand that he doesn't like talking about things like that, because he was so happy that his voice got deeper the last months but still... I wouldn't have made fun of him and he knew that.
And what did this have to do with Marius?
A little hesitantly I touched the last recording.
“This is Matsushima Sou.” God, his voice was clearly higher than it was at Monday. And that wasn't an effect of that it was a little shaky.
“It's Wednesday and I'm at our dressing room inside of the agency. We told the others something about dance practice. I hope they believed us. Otherwise-”
He interrupted himself and continued. “So... I think there's no doubt that Johnny said the truth.” His voice got even shakier. But he continued talking, although his voice was very quiet now. “I'm afraid. I'm afraid of what will happen to us... to Mari-chan. I...I don't know if I can stand this, but I have to be strong. For Mari-chans’ sake.” It sounded like he was suppressing a sob. “I should hurry now. Mari is waiting.”
And then he started singing again. I couldn't understand most of the words from the lyrics because his voice was so shaky and he sobbed sometimes.
After twenty seconds or such he started to sob so hardly that he couldn't continue singing. It tore up my heart to hear him cry. Then the recording stopped. A moment I only stood there, with Sou-chans’ mobile in my hand, paralyzed.
I realized four things:
1. Sou-chans voice had become higher
2. Johnny had something to do with this
3. Sou didn't want us to notice
4. It wasn't something he did voluntarily

But what did Mari-chan have to do with this? And why didn't he want us to notice?
I wondered what I should do now. If Sou didn't want us to know it was better not let him notice that I knew. No, I would wait until Fuma had talked with Marius. Depending on what he'll find out, I'll tell him what I found out. Maybe I would talk to Sou too. And then... Yeah, it seemed to be unavoidable that we had to talk to Johnny.
God, this really gave me a headache. After sending the recordings to my mobile I put Sous’ on the floor where I had found it, grabbed my things and with a big sigh I went out of the room.


Kento shouted after me but I didn't react.
Anyways, what should I've told him? I hoped with all my heart he didn't notice.
Didn't notice that a strong pain spread through my body, making me all numb.
Didn't notice the reason  I cried. Didn't notice that I recorded-
Oh shit.
I forgot my mobile in the room. The room Kento still was in. But I couldn't go back! We were already late and Kento was there.
So I decided to hope. Hope that he wouldn't search for a reason, why he found me crying. But how I knew Kento he already had my mobile in his hand, just trying to help me and make me happy again. All I could do now was wait. Wait and hope.
I didn't want to imagine what would happen if he'd go to Johnny. What Johnny would do to him.
I shook my head, cursing myself for being so foolish.
Without noticing I already was near the place where I told Mari-chan to wait.
I stopped and tried to slow my breath down. I wiped the last traces of my tears out of my face. I took a deep breath and made myself smile encouraged.
Marius needed me to be strong.
I went around the corner, seeing Marius, biting his lip in nervousness.
“I don't want to...” He whispered.
I took his hand, squeezing it slightly. “We have to. For the others sake.”
He nodded.
I sighed. “Let's go.”
Together we went to Johnny's office. To our personal hell.
Fuma POV
Marius seemed surprised when I stood outside of his house at Thursday. I had promised Kento that I would talk to him as soon as I had time, and now I was here to ask Marius about why he was acting so weird the last few days.
“Hey Mari-chan!” I greeted him and smiled my best smile. “Can I come in?” I tried not to let him notice about my worries. I wasn’t sure how he would react and I didn’t want to get a door knocked into my face.
“Sure.” Marius said with a confused face. “Did anything happen? You don’t usually visit without telling me before.”
I stepped inside and shook my head. “Let’s go upstairs, shall we? I don’t want to talk to you here.”
Marius still looked confused but straight went to his room with me.
“So… What is it? What happened?” he said as he led me in and closed the door.
I wasn’t sure what to say, so my voice sounded slightly unsure.
“Well… I don’t know what is wrong. That’s why I’m here. You and Sou are acting so weird since a few days and Kento and I are worrying about you… And, even if you don’t want to tell me, I want you to know that I am here for you, and so is Kento. Well, maybe you rather want to talk to him, since his advice is way better than mine…” I laughed nervously, impatient to get an answer from my band mate.
“Fuma, I…” Marius raised a hand to his forehead and pulled a painful face.
“Is… everything okay?” I asked, uncertain if I had said something wrong. “You don’t have to tell me if…“ while I was taking a step forward to pat his shoulder, I tripped over a little pile of books. Trying to gain back my balance, I pulled down a curtain.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” I hurried and stood up to hang it back up, but then I hesitated.
Little marks were drawn on a piece of wall that was exposed, now that the curtain was gone.
Of course, it was normal to do so, especially if you grew as fast as Marius grew over the last few months, but… the newest marks looked weird…
They were lower than the ones Marius had done a few weeks ago.
“Did you… shrink?” I asked with my eyes wide opened. When I was finally able to avert my eyes from the wall and turned back to look at Marius, I saw him kneeling on the ground, face hiding in his hands.
“Fuma!” he yelled, clearly suppressing to scream at me.
“Stop… talking about that!” he gasped and I was totally paralyzed. I would understand if it was embarrassing for him, since he was bragging about his height all the time. But why was he shrinking anyways? And why was it so painful for him to talk about it?
I kept my mouth shut and sat down beneath Marius to lay an arm around him. He looked so hurt that I decided to not talk about his height again.
“Are you… okay now?” I asked when his breathing had become slower and he seemed more relaxed again.
“Yes, but please, let’s change the topic. I’m sorry, I just can’t talk about that now.” His face still seemed pale and all I wanted to do was comforting him. But I was too confused myself to do anything. And despite that, I really wanted to know what was going on now.
“Should I… go then?” I wanted to help Marius, he was my friend after all, but I had always been unsure in situations like these.
His answer startled me a little.
“No.” his voice suddenly sounded very convinced, before he started stuttering again. “I mean… If you want to go… But I don’t want to be alone… So, if you would like to stay…”
I didn’t need to hear more so I just held him in my arms again.
Loose lips sink ships, so I just kept quiet for the rest of the time I stayed there.
Sometimes, staying silent and just be there for people is better than making them feel insecure by talking permanently.

m-c: price of youth, fanfiction

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