Title: Fall in Love, Naturally
Pairing/s: Arashi x Perfume + Arashi/Arashi member
Summary: Three members of Arashi and Perfume went out on a date; the other two are forever alone.
Rating: PG
Genre: Het, Slash, and Fluff ♥
A.N.: I should not be writing this but the idea just won't go away.
Natural ni Koishite )
Comments 17
i really really liked this it was just awesome each pairing was cute,
yama was cute too
it was great thanks for sharing!!
I didn't know what to do with them at first but then I thought why not give them their own happy ending? (although i am tempted to leave them miserable) XD
Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. I really, really appreciate it :D
And yes the 5 of them can really make us happy...
Thank you for reading :D
Thank you for reading ♥
thank you for sharing!
Thank you for reading :)
I think if jun says something like "I was really determined to make you really, really happy tonight," I could have a heart attack lol ( but before I will finish my pasta, we not waste food! lol)
LOL I was imagining the same - the JUN effect. But then as A~chan is his partner in this fic, I just know that he must be the one surprised XD (AND THOU SHALL NOT WASTE FOOD, I agree 100%)
Thank you for reading and commenting ♥
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