Title: Ryo-centric drabbles
Pairing: in that order: RyoMaru, Yasube/Hiroko (Chonmage Purin), TakkiRyo, RyoUchi, RyoPi, KameRyo, Aso/Aya (1 Litre of Tears), MatsuRyo, RyoJin, Shomei/Michiko (Yorozu), NinoRyo, YokoRyo, Ryusei/Ryuzaki (Orthros), Ryo/Sakai Masato, YasuRyo, Kudo/Date (JOKER), Ryo/Saito Kazuyoshi, Ryokura, HinaRyo, SubaRyo
Rating: PG-R
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Comments 15
I'm so happy you liked it <3
I like this!!!
RyoMaru is exactly the way I see them.
Yokocho being this cute is so welcome <3
1 litre of tears is definitely heart-breaking yet cute and sweet. So beautiful.
YokoRyo... omg Yoko's insight, I loved it soooo much <3
Thanks for writing :3
So happy you liked them (and thanks for telling me your favorites!! <3) It was fun to write them, though some (especially some dorama pairings) gave me a headache ^^
Ahh, yes, someone agrees with me on RyoMaru :D
And you pictured them as lovely and cheeky as I also imagine them, so that was perfect.
But I really love reading about Ryo's interactions with other guys, so it was really an interesting read. I gues it was not so easy to write (or, if it was for you, woah :O).
As for RyoMaru, well, to me it's complicated... it's not like I don't like seeing Maru being this cute towards Ryo (or Ohkura), and the latter reciprocating. But I honestly cannot see the pairing going, you know, further than that. And it's lovely anyway. Maru's affection is so deep and pure... at least to me XD
(it was a choice by coincidence. Had my music on random :D)
It was sweet , thanks for writing !!
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