Title: The taming of the shrew: Chapter 10/18
Pairing: Sakumoto
Rating: R/NC-17 (not in every chapter though)
little_kirinGenre: smut, romance, bit angst (no AU setting)
Plot: Is it love or hate or attraction? They share a history of ups and downs, from teenage crushes over not talking at all to accepting each other’s presence. Finally, six months ago,
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Comments 17
I'll grab a spot :*
Okay what do you mean that there'll be more drama? lols
Then bring it on! XD
Haha, well, the drama will start soon, I promise. The next chapter is only the slow start of it. XD
Thanks so much for your lovely comment! ♥
Baby steps, but they are at least sort of talking a little bit now.
More dramatic drama down the line? Awesome. These two were made for drama.
I'm feeling a bit bad for the drama I'm going to throw on them, but, well... XD We'll see :-)
As always, thanks so much for your support!! ♥
Hmm... well, that was easy (for Sho). Jun didn't want the idea of bringing him to Toshida buuuut Sho was the one who brought it up! That makes it 1 step easier. I'm so curious about their first joint session if it does happen.
Thanks for this!
They are at least making tiny steps forward, finally, and were able to talk without ripping each others' heads off :D
Thanks so much for your comment! ♥
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