Title: SMAP Drabbles (one for each pairing)
Pairing: ShinTsu, 2TOP, ShinGoro, TakuGoro, NakaiGoro, ShinTaku, NakaiTsu, GoroTsu, ShinNakai, TakuTsu
Rating: various
ivenclaireGenre: romance
Summary: One drabble for each pairing.
Notes: I've written them a while ago, but I doubted anyone would be interested. Well, I decided to post them now. I hope
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Comments 10
Oh and the dramatic light bulb change.
And Smap sweaters? Bahahaaaah.
See? Someone did read them. (And enjoyed them very much.)
I was really surprised when I saw your comment!! ♥♥
I loved every single drabble and their small interactions. The NakaiGoro and Shintaku are my favorite. Nakai definitely knows all details and quirks from each member and Shingo is always our favorite spoiled child man. Kimura is, well, Kimura the god... haha!
Thanks for sharing these ^^
I'm so sorry for my late reply - I was on vacation :-)
Thanks so much for sharing, dear <3 I loved to read SMAP <3
Aw, this makes me sad that SMAP is basically over :-(
I'm super late in catching up on fic but these are wonderful! :D
I especially love the Shintsu, 2tops, TakuGoro, and Kimutsu ones<3
(And lol'ed at Nakatsu being super dramatic about changing a light bulb XD)
But I can picture them all so well, whether they made me laugh or aww or ;-;
Thank you for writing these!<3
And thanks for telling me your favs <3
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