Title: Family matters ~ Chapter 18/22
Pairing: Jun, Masaki, Sho, Satoshi, Kazu (there are going to be additional side-characters though. No OCs.) I'm trying to give each of the five their well-deserves spot-light <3
Rating: PG
Genre: family!AU in which Arashi are brothers :-) slice of life, a little drama (and I'm trying to add some
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Comments 16
I will really start to think like Sho for Masaki's Buddha mode x) But seriously I'm really happy that Kazu had finally open up to Sho and Masaki. That's really a great step forward. Little by little. And maybe the making up between him and Satoshi won't be so far away ^^
Thanks for this !
Masaki's buddha mode really is something, right? :D But his patience really payed off and he and Sho managed to get down to Kazu's feelings :-)
I am happy that Nino opens up again, that's the most important step I think. The fight with Jun was bad, but I think that was necessary to get Nino out of it. I hope he can clear things with Jun, and maybe a little drone-message can help to solve this mess? :D
Mhmmmmmmm Hot dog.....now I want a hot dog and a coffee with all the toppings :D
Ryo is really nice <3 He is still there, even though Nino avoids him, I hope they'll manage it to stay together <3
Thanks for this chapter, I really enjoyed reading it, and I am looking forward to the next one
(PS: Yeahhhh finally I caught up <3)
Haha, yes, Masaki can be all serious too, and his buddha mode really is something. :D And finally his brothers are listening to him too :D
I'm happy you llike Ryo here, though he doesn't get much screen time in this fic >
I hope Jun is able to forgive Kazu but the fight couldn't have been easy on them, especially after everything else that has already happened. Jun's right, he doesn't deserve to be treated like a punching bag all the time.
Keep up the amazing work! Your writing is truly inspiring.
I'm really happy that you enjoy this story! Thanks for your support and for reading <3
I hope you'll also like the rest of it!!
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