Title: Anniversary Pairing: TakkiRyo Rating: PG-13 Drabble Genre: romance Summary: Every year Takki and Ryo seem to land in bed together. Notes: Requested by yoru_no_hikaru.
First I apologize for getting here so late. m(__)m I'm finally here. ^^"
WAAAHHHHHH, this is so cute!!! <3 <3 <3
Those two... XD Somehow they are predestined for this kind of "we don't talk about it, we don't need words... but what exactly do we do with this??" thing. ^^"
Well, Takki seems to be okay with taking innitiative, which is fine. But then, he does not take that final step to actually wrap things up. Well, he does in the end. <3 And it's so lovely how they mutually agree that "it's time to take the next step" like that. Even though things were left unsaid, they trust each other like that. Really heart-warming. <3 <3
It was really fun to write these two again. It's been forever, but they still have the chemistry :D I kind of have the image of these two not making too many big words about what they are (though it did take them looooooooooooong this time ^^) Thanks so much for your lovely comment, dear. I'm happy you liked it <3
Comments 6
Thanks so much for sharing this <3
Thanks so much for your comment!
WAAAHHHHHH, this is so cute!!! <3 <3 <3
Those two... XD Somehow they are predestined for this kind of "we don't talk about it, we don't need words... but what exactly do we do with this??" thing. ^^"
Well, Takki seems to be okay with taking innitiative, which is fine. But then, he does not take that final step to actually wrap things up. Well, he does in the end. <3 And it's so lovely how they mutually agree that "it's time to take the next step" like that. Even though things were left unsaid, they trust each other like that. Really heart-warming. <3 <3
Wonderfully done, thanks a lot!!! :D <3
Thanks so much for your lovely comment, dear. I'm happy you liked it <3
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