Title: Matsumoto’s shop of hopes and dreams - enter on your own risk 1/13
Pairing: Sakumoto, Aimiya, (hints of past(?)Ohmiya and Matsumiya and Juntoshi? (but... well... you'll get it, when you read it. It's not a love triangle or anything, it's rather plot-relevant)
Rating: up to R
Genre: AU, romance, fantasy (it sounds superduper-magic-and-fantasy
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Comments 18
Oww.. Ow...oww..... This is really amazing😆😆😆😆
With jun can do like in a magic nor what this is called.. .
And nino is the jun's friend/protection/fob😋😋
Aaaaaand caring sho!!😱😱😱😱 hahahahahhahah...... Hmmmmm but where the aiba and ohno???? Kkkkkk.....
I cant wait for the next thank you and fightiiiiing!!!!!😘😘😘😘😘
There will be a lot of twists by the way, and I hope you'll like it <3
Thanks so much for your lovely comment!! ♥♥
This story has a great premise and I can't wait to read more
Thanks so much for your lovely comment! ♥
The beginning is really interesting, and I wonder what will go on here and what Jun and Nino are and what's their power. The whole setting reminds me of Pet shop of Horrors :)
Thanks for this first chapter, I am really curious about the next ones. <3
This is probably going in a more fantasy-ish and fairy-tale-ish direction. (Petshop of Horrors! I thought about it too!! But it's just the first chpater that gives this vibe ^^)
Nino is Jun's....supplier. Got it! :)
I can't wait to see what happens next!
The rules make sense when you understand the underlying bit about Jun just...moving things from one place to another. If you win the lottery, that means the person who was supposed to didn't. If you kill someone, does that mean that someone else didn't die? That's a LOT of pressure on a magic user!
The rules do make sense, right? I mean, to imagine what you could do and wish for...
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