(no subject)

Oct 08, 2013 21:38

Перевод на английский мероприятия по поводу  NHK и автобуса:)  Там же ожидается дальнейший перевод пресс-конференции. Пока там Дай и Мао. Дай бог тебе здоровья, добрый человек. Так давно я не видела переводов на ФСУ и ГС. http://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/showthread.php?89260-MAO-CHEER-THREAD-starting-on-her-23rd-BD-lt-3&p=4012764&viewfull=1#post4012764

... It seems the media conference was held at a hotel and after finishing it Mao, Nobu, Dai, and Satoko went out of it and wrote their autograph on the ad-bus. So funny they seem unnatural under pressure to walk along the passage with the camera clue. Out there Nobu wrote his autograph on ....see the vid!

Mao: eh? Oda-kun!

Nobu: OMG. oh no? Too big! Lke mustache.

Mao: Hey!
Nobu: Gomen(=Sorry) Mao-chan.
Mao: Mecccha kabutteru jan(=Just on my picture)!

Nobu: Mecccha gomen (=So sorry).
telop: Oda wrote his autograph once again later.
Nobu(to Mao): I was told to write big one so I started with big letters and then I noticed...Ugh...!
Mao: hahaha On the other side of the bus they wrote their messages.

Mao: Aiming at Sochi.
Nobu: With all my strength.
Dai: With all my strength!!
Satoko: Force.

  1. Еще видео по поводу ГП  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swvcyIkSohk

Нобу и бейсболист что ли? В тренажерном зале https://twitter.com/0420Daiki/status/387888566246072320

команда Японии https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1379387_303232703153113_1852364796_n.jpg

video, oda, photo, nobunari

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