Today is December 18th, so Yullen Week 2012 has officially started!! Hope we'll all enjoy this event :DD
We will archive all of your submissions here in our community. Thus it will be nice if you could link us to your entries by commenting here. It is not obligatory, but it will certainly help us do the archiving easier. Especially for late entries, since the mods won't be able to check on every community/FFnet/dA once we have passed December 31st. So yeah, if you'd like to help us, please kindly post your links here ^__^
We also have a similar thread on
Yullen Week Forum for you who post your submissions on FFnet. If you post your submissions on AO3, LJ, DeviantArt and other places, please drop your links here (because FFn forbids outbond links ^^).
Well then, thank you and enjoy the celebrations!