Thank you so much for all of your awesome suggestions! We didn't expect that we would receive 127 themes (from LJ comments, FFnet forum, private messages, emails, and even through skype)! We are soooo happy :D
So after having a really hard time (I needed to go through many chatting sessions with
a1y_puff and
finite_farfalla), the 50 best themes have been chosen. They are divided into 2 categories: main and optional themes.
Now it's time for you to decide which of them are going to be our final themes! :D
There's NO need to create a Livejournal Account to vote. We use a third party's poll service so that everyone can participate in this poll (we promote this event on, deviantArt, Crunchyroll, and many other sites after all). ^^
This is a secured poll, so each person can only vote once. You cannot undo or resubmit your votes, so please think carefully before submitting your votes! Voting round opens from July 17th to July 24th =)
Thank you for voting! Last but not least, please help spead the words by linking to this post or simply putting our banners on your blogs/websites/forum threads! :D