Синдром отчуждения родителя (PAS): псевдонаука, ведущая к жестокому обращению с детьми

Feb 09, 2021 19:43

Весьма прискорбно, что в России без критики, с признаками нагнетания моральной паники началось  продвижение (через Интернет, СМИ и др.)   еще одной псевдонаучной концепции в области детской психологии и психотерапии. Речь идет о так называемом «синдроме отчуждения одного из родителей», по англ. “Parental Alienation Syndrome” (PAS).

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синдром отчуждения родителя, родительское отчуждение, отчуждение родителя, pas, синдром отвержения одного из родителей, родительство, отвержение родителя, ричард гарднер, альтернативная психотерапия, parental alienation syndrome, parental alienation, дети, семья

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Comments 2

gozevin February 25 2024, 22:24:33 UTC

I am really curious what triggered such a biased article by the writer. Parental alienation is very much real. A large percentage of mothers, and a very large percentage of narcissistic mothers alienate children against their fathers. This happens everywhere in the world. I say mothers, because in majority of the divorces mothers get the custody of children. Russian court system is very backward when it comes to the family law. Nobody really cares about the well-being about the child here. There are some archaic rules that ignore the 21st century realities. Opeka works for mothers. My x-wife is a clinically diagnosed narcissist. She is actively alienating my son against me. And I cannot do anything. My hands are tied. Opeka, legal system... Nobody cares about psychological condition of the mothers. All I get are cynical remarks. All they care is that I pay alimony. My son who was so close to me is slowly drifting away due to the alienation and the little time the Russian courts allow fathers to spend with their children. All of this ( ... )


yuliamass February 26 2024, 13:05:46 UTC

Excuse me, but what you has said in comment simply is one more short report of quite "standard" "belief system" of the proponents of PAS concept. It seems to me, that in my post I have provided the number of citations from the publications of the leading Academician specialists with critics of PAS ideas. What do you want to report me? That you do not "believe" this information? But what I can do with this? It is your own choice only, what to believe. I am not capable to oppose somebody's "faith", if one wants to neglect the presented facts and critics of PAS concept. Only, I would like to add that I know certain examples how just the engagement in the wrong ideas of PAS " belief system" ruined the relations in families after divorce, being the main obstacle to normalization of these relations. Unfortunately, in a number of cases seems easier for some people to blame the mother and child for presumable (never been proved, in reality) "PAS" that critically evaluate, for example, one's own behavior, parental practices and etc. (for ( ... )


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