Yuletide Signups are Now Open! They will remain open until 9:00 pm US EST, Monday, November 10th. Assignments will go out on Tuesday, November 11th.
You will receive a confirmation email listing your requests and offers as made. Please check carefully for errors, particularly your writing offers! If you haven't received confirmation in 24 hours, please comment here or email
This also means that the archive is now closed for uploading until assignments go out, and to searching until the archive opens December 25th! However, direct links to stories will still work.
For each fandom where you select one to four characters, your confirmation email will spell out all the possible combinations you might be assigned. These are not relationship/sexual combinations. It just shows how you could be matched to someone who requests any of the various combinations of the characters you offered. For example, if I offer several fandoms with "any" characters, Lovecraft with one character, and [Ellis Peters - The Brother Cadfael series], with Abbot Radulfus, Brother Cadfael, Hugh Beringar, Prior Robert, that section of my confirmation email will look like this:
Offered: A A Milne - Winnie the Pooh (any)
Alias (comic) (any)
American Gothic (tv) (any)
Blade Runner (any)
The 4400 (any)
The Addams Family (tv) (any)
Ellis Peters - Brother Cadfael series (Abbot Radulfus)
Ellis Peters - Brother Cadfael series (Abbot Radulfus/Brother Cadfael)
Ellis Peters - Brother Cadfael series (Abbot Radulfus/Brother Cadfael/Hugh Beringar)
Ellis Peters - Brother Cadfael series (Abbot Radulfus/Brother Cadfael/Hugh Beringar/Prior Robert)
Ellis Peters - Brother Cadfael series (Abbot Radulfus/Brother Cadfael/Prior Robert)
Ellis Peters - Brother Cadfael series (Abbot Radulfus/Hugh Beringar)
Ellis Peters - Brother Cadfael series (Abbot Radulfus/Hugh Beringar/Prior Robert)
Ellis Peters - Brother Cadfael series (Abbot Radulfus/Prior Robert)
Ellis Peters - Brother Cadfael series (Brother Cadfael)
Ellis Peters - Brother Cadfael series (Brother Cadfael/Hugh Beringar)
Ellis Peters - Brother Cadfael series (Brother Cadfael/Hugh Beringar/Prior Robert)
Ellis Peters - Brother Cadfael series (Brother Cadfael/Prior Robert)
Ellis Peters - Brother Cadfael series (Hugh Beringar)
Ellis Peters - Brother Cadfael series (Hugh Beringar/Prior Robert)
Ellis Peters - Brother Cadfael series (Prior Robert)
H P Lovecraft - Cthulhu Mythos (Khephnes)
If a fandom you nominated is no longer listed among the available fandoms, then it has been made ineligible, at the discretion of the mods. Please don't write to explain why this fandom should be eligible, or that other one shouldn't be. There are still over 2500 fandoms to choose from!
Please see previous post for more info and hints and useful links!
ETA: The deadline for uploading stories for Yuletide 2008 will be Saturday, December 20th at 9:00 pm US Eastern time.
Do not sign up for Yuletide if you have any doubts as to your ability to complete your story on time. There's always next year. The deadline for defaulting without penalty is 11:59 pm EST on Sunday, December 7th. That gives you not quite four weeks! If you default after this date, you may be banned. If you default without notice, you will be banned.