Yuletide 2017 schedule (draft)

Jan 03, 2017 10:41

So you can plan ahead, here are the approximate dates we expect for Yuletide 2017:

Nominations: Sept 8-16
Sign-ups: Oct 1-9
Assignments out: Oct 13-15
Default deadline: Dec 11
Assignment deadline: Dec 18

See you then!

schedule, 2017

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Comments 14

rabidsamfan January 2 2017, 23:42:50 UTC
Oooh! *tentatively puts dates in calendar*


avon January 3 2017, 00:10:23 UTC
You are incredible.

In case anyone needs a countdown timer: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20170914T00&p0=%3A&msg=Nominations+open&ud=2&font=hand


Just 2.2 x 10^7 seconds to go.


morbane January 3 2017, 03:19:04 UTC


lyryk January 3 2017, 15:41:41 UTC


hpstrangelove January 3 2017, 03:12:13 UTC
There seems to be a thought that LJ might close down - just wondering if there's a back-up comm somewhere in case something actually does happen (I really don't know how likely it is, but I thought I'd ask).


morbane January 3 2017, 03:18:48 UTC
I'll get back to you about back-ups for earlier posts - but for the last two years, we've concurrently posted to yuletide-admin.dreamwidth.org and yuletide-admin.livejournal.com. There's also a yuletide.dreamwidth.org, though it gets less traffic than yuletide.livejournal.com.


hpstrangelove January 3 2017, 11:46:56 UTC
Great! I didn't know that. I'll be sure and 'friend' (or whatever Dreamwidth calls it) the comms over there. Thanks so much.


navaan January 3 2017, 12:00:52 UTC
Neat! After all after Yuletide is before the next Yuletide and I'm already making list of things that I might possibly want to request. XD


jedinic January 4 2017, 23:55:40 UTC
Thanks for this!

Just curious if there's been discussion about the earlier dates correlating with fewer sign-ups? (I know a few people, myself included, who couldn't commit to Yuletide until they knew their Nov/Dec schedule and as a result, did not sign up.)


morbane January 5 2017, 02:12:06 UTC
It's hard to tell, as we have no hard data and there are so many other factors involved.

I'm not sure I follow your meaning, though: why was not knowing your Nov/Dec schedule a deterrent last year specifically, when there was a longer than usual writing time?


jedinic January 10 2017, 19:19:22 UTC
I knew I was too busy in Oct to write; and there was a 75% chance I would also be too busy in Nov/Dec to write.

I also wonder if people cope better with more immediate deadlines for challenges; I know this is not something you can answer, but for me, I know that I can sign up for something due in 4 weeks and be much more confident about having the time than for something due in 2-3 months.

Anyway, I just wanted to share my anecdotal experience: signing up so early didn't feel like "Yuletide excitement" to me; it seemed more like a normal challenge that I couldn't commit to.

Thanks for all the work you do!


morbane January 10 2017, 21:50:03 UTC
Got it, and the anecdata is useful. I can see it being easier to sign up to something when you know you have time *right then* rather than when you have current commitments but *hope* to have time later in the period.

The 2017 draft schedule is partly determined by preference - and partly by needing to work around some personal commitments in the mod team that we already know about. Those have fixed dates.


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