Last call for corrections

Oct 06, 2013 17:50

We're still taking corrections and duplicate character fixes on the tag set correction post. We'll be closing that post at Noon, EDT. Any outstanding inquiries (at the moment: Conrad, Rachel Wiseman, Eventuality - Trevor Samora, and Vikram) will be rejected at that time ( Read more... )

admin, tag set review

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Comments 34

ladygray99 October 6 2013, 22:41:14 UTC


ladymercury_10 October 6 2013, 22:52:52 UTC
Thank you mods for your tireless efforts!


ext_2142476 October 6 2013, 23:15:05 UTC
Once again I'm protesting the needless, uncanonical, and confusing duplication of Irene Adler and Moriarty in Elementary. They are the same character, period. She is revealed as such in the first episode in which she has lines. Being Moriarty is essential to Irene's character because (apart from their being one character, which should be, you know, enough) the alias of Irene is a tool for the advancement of Moriarty's ploys. Kind of like how the Spider-Man's mask is a tool used by Miles Morales. This is a fic exchange for fans who, not a spoiler-free advertisement for people who've never watched, and the purpose of nominations is to enable signups and matching, not to muddle them. Anyone who feels the need to divide the two aliases can ask for this in their optional details, just like the rest of us do with our fanon.


takiyasha_hime October 6 2013, 23:50:21 UTC
Co-signed. Even in the unlikely case that someone would offer or request the character unaware of her real identity, the duplication can only worsen the confusion.


hhertzof October 7 2013, 11:37:27 UTC
We've decided to add a third tag "Irene Adler | Moriarty" to this set.

As one original nominator has confirmed that they nominated them separately deliberately, we will be keeping the other two tags as well.


amathela October 7 2013, 12:11:45 UTC
Sorry, but given that this is even further evidence of the mod stance to leave things as nominated, even when they contradict actual canon, can I ask why Gwen Stacy still hasn't been added back into the Ultimate Comics Spider-Man tag set? Or, for that matter, why the fandom is still listed as 'Ultimate Comics Spider-Man' when that is neither the canonical tag for the whole series nor the way the fandom was nominated?

(I do hate to bring this up in an unrelated comment thread, but given that every thread actually about comics has either been frozen or ignored, and with the window for corrections closing soon, I'm not sure what the other options are at this point.)


aunt_zelda October 6 2013, 23:19:36 UTC
Is there going to be a way to view all the tags later? There's tons of books I've never read that sound intriguing, and copy/pasting them all into a list will take a bit.

(Sorry if this is a dumb question or the wrong place to ask, this is my first Yuletide.)


(The comment has been removed)

aunt_zelda October 7 2013, 01:50:32 UTC
Thanks very much!


scribble_myname October 6 2013, 23:42:46 UTC
I was thinking the same thing honestly. And ADORE your icon. May I use?


ketsundere October 6 2013, 23:30:50 UTC
I appreciate all of your hard work. This certainly can't be easy with a lot of people complaining.

If I may make a suggestion? People would probably stop complaining, thus making your work a lot easier, if you just said "We're sorry. We made a mistake on the Ultimateverse thing." Constantly ignoring people bringing it up, throwing out objections by citing inaccurate information, ignoring corrections, and then finally providing more inaccurate information is not helping. I'm not even a comics fan, and I find the things the Spider-Man fans are saying perfectly simple to follow.

Again, thank you for your hard work, and good luck sorting everything out. hh, you in particular have been amazing about everything.


ext_2142476 October 6 2013, 23:43:50 UTC
Seriously. As a customer service rep, a lot of my job is finding nice ways to say disappointing things to people and make them feel listened to. I realize the mods aren't getting paid, and decisions have to be made, but in the sense that this is a community event that is only what we make it, it's in some ways even worse for the community members who volunteered to mod to not extend basic courtesies like apologies and the assumption of good faith. And making arbitrary, absurd, and contradictory from-on-high rulings only decreases the sense of ownership and good will that has always made Yuletide a special community.


staygame October 7 2013, 03:11:51 UTC
+1 It seems, to me (a non-comics fan) that this whole debate could do with an actually admission that a mistake was made. I don't think these fans are being unreasonable in the least.


tamarind_rogue October 7 2013, 03:18:37 UTC
^ That's pretty much everything I wanted to say, but said better. :)


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