Locked-in Nomination List!

Nov 11, 2011 21:44

Now that we can nominate fandoms (hooray!), I think we could use a place for people to post their absolute, this-is-it nominated fandoms.

Please post the fandoms and characters you've nominated in the comments to this post, and as your fandoms/characters are approved or (perish the thought) rejected, reply to your original comment with the mods' verdicts. We'll all be able to keep an eye on what'll be available for requests and signups next week!

(Also, if someone else'd like to create a spreadsheet, my googledocs abilities are basically nil. >>) eta: I've made a spreadsheet and will be doing my best to update it. If you'd like to help out, please let me know, and I'll grant you access!

etax2: Considering that I can't even manage to make my spreadsheet work correctly, I think it might be better to hand off to this spreadsheet instead, with many thanks to imaginarycircus.

etax3: Because the official list will be coming out soon-soon-soon, the spreadsheet will not be updated further. ♥
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