If you want to leave either the text of your letter or a link to a letter that you've posted elsewhere, please comment to this post with your signup name in the comment subject line. This is in no way mandatory, but such letters can be valuable to whoever receives your assignment, not to mention those who might be prowling about looking for early inspiration for Yuletide Madness.
ETA: For people who might consider writing extra treats, or people browsing just to see who else likes their small fandom, it's helpful if you include your requested fandoms in your comment.
I've unscreened anonymous comments solely for this post, but all comments must be "signed" either with your signup name in the subject or in the comment itself (the latter only if it's not your letter comment).
Past years' examples can be found
here, and
here, if you want to see how others have done it!
This is going up earlier than usual so that those who aren't posting their letters elsewhere can post here and still put the link in their signups. I'll also be placing a link to this post in the sidebar here and at
yuletide_admin, for easy finding.
The Index Post for this is here!