More statistical fun: fandom matches!

Nov 05, 2006 21:51

For those who are curious, one of the tweaks I made to this year's matching process is that it worked to try and maximize the overall number of fandoms represented in the challenge. The results:

Fandoms with 1 match: 322
Fandoms with 2 matches: 101
Fandoms with 3 matches: 58
Fandoms with 4 matches: 21
Fandoms with 5 matches: 14
Fandoms with 6 matches: 7
Fandoms with 7 matches: 3

For a total of 526 different fandoms matched on at least once!

(You may notice this adds up to more than 885 matches; that's because this counts every fandom matched in the handful of cases where the santa and recipient matched on more than one fandom.)

Now, this may not reflect the actual distribution of stories, because some will end up being pinch-hit on a different fandom, a bunch of santas may end up writing a fandom other than the one(s) they matched on, and in the cases where the santa matched on more than one fandom, they will presumably choose just one to write. But still that's a pretty neat spread, I think. :)

Also, for those who have not yet noticed, yes, the front page of the website will be highlighting the most recent uploader as we go along, so you know exactly who to hate for finishing early! Get your story in early and you too can have your name in lights for an extended period of time. *grins*
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