Squee post (open thread)

Dec 25, 2016 17:54

Not everybody is up to or interested in making a whole recs post, but feel free to use the comments on this thread to squee about fics you're enjoying, amazing gifts you received, fandoms that won the Yuletide lottery this year, or anything else Yuletide-related that's making you happy ( Read more... )

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Rec: L'Abécédaire d'un duel mme_hardy December 27 2016, 21:47:03 UTC
I got an amazing, AMAZING fic for the mid-19th-century French painting Suites d'un bal masqué (Duel after a Masquerade).

My author did major research into the period, then wrote a masterpiece in eight overlapping and contradictory viewpoints. The characterization -- remember, the canon has none, so the author had to create all the characters -- is masterful, convincing, and builds on tiny details in the painting. The story is a cohesive narrative within its period and place. I showed it to a native Parisienne, and she thought it was incredible. And there's a bibliography!

I give you L'Abécédaire d'un duel. I'm waiting for reveals so I can read everything this author ever wrote, whether we share fandoms or not.


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