2012 Beta Readers Post & Spreadsheet

Nov 03, 2012 11:25

Hello Yuletide folk and associates,

I thought I'd harness some of the excitement from assignments going out, and round up beta-readers. Beta-reading is a fun but entirely optional way of participating in Yuletide, and you don't need to be signed up for the main challenge to help out in this way.

If you would like to help out a challenge writer by looking over their story, brainstorming with them, or offering expert advice, please comment below, and include the following -

The fandoms or subjects that you feel knowledgeable about
I have divided these into "languages", "general topics and places", and "fandoms", but I welcome suggestions.

When including fandoms, it will help if you copy the AO3 spellings and formatting.
They are easiest to copy across
in separate lines
like this.

Your AO3 name, if you have one
This is especially relevant if you are taking part in the challenge. Your writer doesn't want to accidentally ask you for help on the story they are writing for you!

Whether you're happy to offer spelling and grammar help on stories of any fandom

A way of being contacted (LJ, email, irc, shared google doc...?)

General preferences about your beta-ing
For example, you might note that you'd prefer not to look at stories above a certain length; or that you do or don't beta explicit scenes.

The spreadsheet is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqDCDQO9FcG9dDVUeW1VZXVaTkFCbzRoSktZdnZ2MUE#gid=0

I am happy to receive suggestions and corrections - and volunteers to help me update it! We will be updating it gradually, so please be patient. Thank you.

If you make a change, the best way to let us know is with a new comment.

This is not the only way to beta-read or to find a beta-reader!
Another traditional way to find a beta-reader for your fic is to use Yuletide's IRC channel. Here is a post with details on how to use this method: http://yuletide.livejournal.com/757383.html

Possibly someone of years past can also give you the knowledge you require. See below:
Beta-readers in 2011
Beta readers in 2010
Beta readers in 2009

Happy writing, reading, and editing.

beta readers, yuletide 2012

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