Nominations Tutorial

Sep 20, 2015 16:14

How to Nominate!

  1. Decide on what to nominate! (The best/hardest step of all.) By nominating fandoms you ensure they will be available to offer and request in Yuletide this year. You can nominate up to 3 fandoms with a maximum of 4 characters each.

    Before nominating, make sure your fandom and characters qualify for Yuletide this year by thoroughly reading the eligibility rules on the Yuletide admin community ( LJ posts on eligibility | DW posts on eligibility). If you think your fandom is borderline on any of the metrics you can make a case for it on the evidence post on the admin comms (LJ | DW).

    Because of the limited nomination slots, a lot of people discuss their nominations on the main Yuletide community on Dreamwidth or LiveJournal, and trade slots. However, if you want to be sure a fandom or character is in the list, nominate it yourself.

  2. Make sure you are logged into your AO3 (Archive of Our Own) account. (If you do not have an account, you can request an invite here. If it’s the close to nominations, please contact the mods asap via

  3. Go to the tag set nomination page (link will be posted when nominations open). It will look something like this (default Archive Skin shown):

  4. Start typing in the first Fandom text field. As you type, AO3 will try and help by showing you canonical fandom tags that match what you’ve typed. Canonical tags are ones that have already gone through the archive’s wrangling process.

    If you see a canonical tag for your fandom, select it from the list and hit enter, unless the fandom name in the popup includes the words "- All Media Types", "& Related Fandoms", or "- Ambiguous Fandom".

    If you think the fandom doesn't exist yet in the database, or includes one of the phrases mentioned above, keep typing to fill the whole thing in yourself. Hit enter once you’ve entered the fandom name. (Please follow the AO3 wrangling guideline whenever possible. It really helps out your mods and tagmods!)

    Once you have selected an option from the dropdown or entered your fandom name, it will appear with an "x" next to it. To edit the fandom name, click on the name twice. Click on the "x" to clear the contents of the field.

  5. Now it’s time to enter characters! Characters must belong to the nominated fandom. They will only be available to request/write for the specific fandom(s) they are nominated in. For example, if you nominated Beyonce in Single Ladies (Music Video) RPF, she would be available there but not in Hip Hop RPF, unless she was also separately nominated in that fandom.

    (You don’t have to nominate any characters, but the only characters that will be available to request or offer for Yuletide are those that are nominated. Make sure you nominate the ones you really want!)

    The method for entering a character is very similar to the method for entering a fandom. Type in the box and see if a canonical name appears. If it does, select it. If it does not, type in the character’s full name and hit enter. Once you have entered a character it will appear with an "x" next to the name. Repeat this step up to three times (for a maximum of four total characters per fandom).

    Congrats! You have now put together one of your nominations.

  6. If you want, you can submit the form and come back to it later. You do not need to submit all your nominations at once - you can keep editing the form as long as nominations are open. Otherwise, repeat steps 4 & 5 for your second and third nominations. (You don’t have to use up all three fandom nominations, but unless a fandom is nominated, you can’t request or offer it!)

  7. Once you’ve entered all of your nominations, hit the "Submit" button.

  8. You will be taken to your nominations page. From here you can edit your nominations (see instruction below) or see the status of your nominations. Nominations will be reviewed in a random order once the nomination period is over.

    You are now finished! \o/ (Unless you change your mind about what you want to nominate. In that case, see step 9.).

  9. If you change your mind on any of your nominated characters or fandoms, you can always edit them, up until nominations are closed.

    You can edit your nominations from your nominations page. The address for this page is slightly different for every person who nominated. To get to your nomination page, go to the tag set page and click on the "My Nominations" button at the top of that page.

    Once you are on your nominations page, click the "Edit" button to edit your nomination.

    You will see everything you previously nominated. Click on the "x" next to the fandom or character you want to switch out. This will give you a text field where you can enter your new selection.

    Hit the "Submit" button when you are done to save your changes.

Thank you very much to Pameluke and kristin for writing this tutorial.

tutorial, nominations

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