Last call for corrections

Oct 06, 2013 17:50

We're still taking corrections and duplicate character fixes on the tag set correction post. We'll be closing that post at Noon, EDT. Any outstanding inquiries (at the moment: Conrad, Rachel Wiseman, Eventuality - Trevor Samora, and Vikram) will be rejected at that time ( Read more... )

admin, tag set review

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amathela October 7 2013, 12:11:45 UTC
Sorry, but given that this is even further evidence of the mod stance to leave things as nominated, even when they contradict actual canon, can I ask why Gwen Stacy still hasn't been added back into the Ultimate Comics Spider-Man tag set? Or, for that matter, why the fandom is still listed as 'Ultimate Comics Spider-Man' when that is neither the canonical tag for the whole series nor the way the fandom was nominated?

(I do hate to bring this up in an unrelated comment thread, but given that every thread actually about comics has either been frozen or ignored, and with the window for corrections closing soon, I'm not sure what the other options are at this point.)


musesfool October 7 2013, 13:58:26 UTC
Especially since Marvel considers the whole thing one series: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man volume 1 (the Peter Parker years) and Ultimate Comics Spider-Man volume 2 (the Miles Morales years), which means even if Gwen in volume 2 is excluded on grounds of being a clone, the original Gwen is still eligible.

It's like saying Tidwell shouldn't be eligible as a character in "Life" because he only appears in the second season, rather than allowing that there is an evolving cast of characters in an ongoing story. (Tidwell, of course, is eligible.)


desert_vixen October 7 2013, 15:17:24 UTC

I would agree on this one, especially since the person who nominated both the characters from Elementary did so on head-canon, and that one has been allowed to stand.

Not a comics fan, but it doesn't seem right to allow one and not allow the other, as the comics fans have provided ample proof of why she's a valid character.

I appreciate all the hard work that has been done on Yuletide this year, especially dealing with fixes.


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