Last call for corrections

Oct 06, 2013 17:50

We're still taking corrections and duplicate character fixes on the tag set correction post. We'll be closing that post at Noon, EDT. Any outstanding inquiries (at the moment: Conrad, Rachel Wiseman, Eventuality - Trevor Samora, and Vikram) will be rejected at that time ( Read more... )

admin, tag set review

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ketsundere October 6 2013, 23:30:50 UTC
I appreciate all of your hard work. This certainly can't be easy with a lot of people complaining.

If I may make a suggestion? People would probably stop complaining, thus making your work a lot easier, if you just said "We're sorry. We made a mistake on the Ultimateverse thing." Constantly ignoring people bringing it up, throwing out objections by citing inaccurate information, ignoring corrections, and then finally providing more inaccurate information is not helping. I'm not even a comics fan, and I find the things the Spider-Man fans are saying perfectly simple to follow.

Again, thank you for your hard work, and good luck sorting everything out. hh, you in particular have been amazing about everything.


ext_2142476 October 6 2013, 23:43:50 UTC
Seriously. As a customer service rep, a lot of my job is finding nice ways to say disappointing things to people and make them feel listened to. I realize the mods aren't getting paid, and decisions have to be made, but in the sense that this is a community event that is only what we make it, it's in some ways even worse for the community members who volunteered to mod to not extend basic courtesies like apologies and the assumption of good faith. And making arbitrary, absurd, and contradictory from-on-high rulings only decreases the sense of ownership and good will that has always made Yuletide a special community.


staygame October 7 2013, 03:11:51 UTC
+1 It seems, to me (a non-comics fan) that this whole debate could do with an actually admission that a mistake was made. I don't think these fans are being unreasonable in the least.


tamarind_rogue October 7 2013, 03:18:37 UTC
^ That's pretty much everything I wanted to say, but said better. :)


dormouse_in_tea October 7 2013, 13:18:03 UTC
Amen. Also not a comics fan, but it seems pretty clear that this fandom wrangling was flubbed. Which, this happens -- my graphic novel nomination was wrangled as a novel.

The difference? I mentioned it once, and it got fixed. Seeing the growing number of perfectly polite fans who are being (pretty obviously at this point) completely ignored as a mod policy is...really disturbing.


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