Title: My Last and Best Reason
Gift for:
zephre Artist:
yue_ix Rating: General
Fandom: Merlin BBC, fusion with Ladyhawke (and The Secret of Kells)
Artist's Notes: Happy Yuletart, Zephre! I wanted to include at least one of your Wildcards fandom into one fandom from the Set List. It ended up including them both to some extend instead, so I tried to meet some of your requests for each of them. I hope that was all right with you. <3
Summary: At the end of their story, both Merlin and Morgana are cursed to turn into animals. Human by day, Morgana turns into a wolf at night, while Merlin is human at night but bound to trees as his namesake by day. They find ways to communicate through earth magic and bond; from there on, they travel together incessantly until, one strange day, they manage to break the curse.