Title: Shin2 Dan
Chapter: Zero
yukitan Genre: Mystery, School life
Rating: G
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and a fan's unrealistic dream. I don't own them. The characters and settings for this story will not reflect the real person in real life. Even though I tried to use as much of their real data as possible, I did change some in order to fit with the story.
Previous Chapters:
Character File Chapter 0
“Have you taken a look at the ip address?" A boy sitting next to the window asked as he stared at the sky. At the same moment, the keitai on his hand rings, signaling a message.
"Sent!" A girl sitting on the table with a small netbook in front of her said quietly as she continues to type.
"Fast as always." The boy quickly checks his keitai with a smirk. His eyes scan the message while nodding.
"Is it just me or the recent crimes suddenly slow down lately?" he asked out loud but more to himself.
Turning his head to the girl, the boy asks "I heard there's a new transfer student today. Did you get a chance to check his background?"
This time, the girl stops typing and turns to look at him, "Kamiki Ryunosuke, born May 19, 1993 in Saitama, currently 16 years old. Blood type B. Parents dies of car accident when he was young. He’s presently living with his only sister, Kamiki Satomi. Sister is a nurse at the local hospital. As of far, there are no records of him as a bad student. He seems to be normal boy with decent grades."
"Seems like a good kid," The boy smirks, "Good! At least it's one less kid we have to keep an eye on. What I don’t understand is that how does his sister’s wages enable him to enters this school."
"It seems like he receives a scholarship. There is no other information about this matter." The girl ended her examination and gives the boy a small smile with gleams in her eyes, "He will be positioned in class 1-A, any other info you want will have to be pay."
Hearing this, the boy sighs, "He's in the same class with us so I think I can observe him for the time being." He slowly picks up his school bag and swings it over his shoulder. Take a quick glance at the pouting girl as he walks out the door, "Mamayu, the world do not revolves around computers." He quickly close the sliding door and walk off before the girl can say anything back.
In the small room, the girl sadly stares at the page on the small netbook she was looking at and sighs. After a few seconds, she unhappily closes her netbook and stuffs it in her book bag. "Just a little more!" she whispered under her breath, and quietly walk out of the room.