Myself (n my lil sis)

Jun 24, 2013 10:38


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Comments 29

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yukistrawberry August 4 2011, 07:04:07 UTC
Ahaha~ Yuuki nagged me everyday and every night, using her cute big eyes to attack me~ dont envy me ne! if you come, i'll bring you around Japan!

Ohohoho~ Im 1/3 chinese xD demo i can speak perfect Cantonese and Mandarin xD *whacked by Ren* and japanese, english also xD
I love to design clothes and draw manga too x)
Looks like we have alot in common ne~
I'm sure well get along quite well~~
Ren chan wa Daisuki!!


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yukistrawberry August 4 2011, 07:31:23 UTC

Ahaha~ then I'll have to see if I I'm at England when you come to japan xD

My goal is to become a jewlery designer :D or something related to design :)

Ren chan is always the best :D


switenana August 4 2011, 11:31:19 UTC
*rubbing my eyes*
is it really my name at the list???
how come???? O,O

so you and your nee-chan share this LJ >v<
and...and.. you live in japan.....
well, someday I'll go there, hmph *clench my hand*

I'm Luciana, just call me with the nickname you want ^-^
already 22 years old
hwaaaaaaaaa....I'm too old XDDD
I live in Indonesia, just like ren-chan
purely chinese (but can't speak chinese)
only can speak in english (not so good) and Indonesia
(try to deepen my germany)
now, I'm in last think I finish my study now
I took biotechnology major in my uni
I wonder how can I choose it since I love to drawing X)

glad to know both of you ^-^ put me on your list


yukistrawberry August 5 2011, 09:49:28 UTC
Haha~you didnt see wrong~it is your name!
Sorry for the late reply ne~nee chan! this is Yuki desu ^^ i'll save some spots for you kay? promise~


switenana August 6 2011, 05:17:39 UTC

un...I keep your words ^-^ tehehehe


chii_mao_13 August 9 2011, 16:14:55 UTC
Wow yuki-chan, you post everyday!! O.O
I'll introduce myself then...

My name is Iv, and I live in Indonesia.. and I envied you for living in japan. LOL
I am 20 years old, but still a kiddie inside.. *whacked* XD
wow you share your lj account with your lil sis.. you're a good and kind sis ne.. =D

I'm a fan of HSJ, and start to read fics since uhm... 10 months ago as a silent reader..
i'm a yamachii biased, but i have other otps too as well.. X3 so i write some other pairings too..

and i'm touched to know that you list me too, yuki-chan.. ;___; *hugs*


yukistrawberry August 23 2011, 04:14:57 UTC

Hihi Iv chan! How are you? Sorry for the late reply cuz I just saw the commen an I went: EH?! I didn't reply?! What was I thinking?!?!

*hugs back* so your my sempai ne? I was also a silent reader for a long time also! Expecially for most of Ren chan, Mi chan and your fics!

I've always like your fics! So you deserve a place in my fav ff list! *gives you a medal*


chii_mao_13 September 4 2011, 10:22:41 UTC
Hi, yuki-chan!!! XDDD
Fine here!!!! and you?
And i reply it late too, yuki-chan.. T^T
it often happens to me when i just got 2-3 hours to be online everyday.. T^T missed some comments..

heee you were a silent reader too?? high5!!!! XDDDDD

ah i feel so glad you like my fics, yuki-chan!!! >////< eeh medal?? sankyuu!!!! XDDDDD and you deserved medal too!!! XD


suzukitakaki August 17 2011, 03:47:56 UTC
Name: Desiree
everyone calls me here Suzu-chan and Kappa-chan or Dezzy
lives in the united states but i wanna go to japan so badly
Currently 15 but will be 16 August 22
Takaki yuya is my favorite from JE
And i love Suzuki Airi from Hello! Project
Yoroshiku ne~


yukistrawberry August 23 2011, 03:25:44 UTC
sorry for the late reply! hountoni gomenasai! Ah sou~ I love Suzuki Airi too! Shes my fav sempai ^^ and for Grandela Magic Academy you can find all the links in my fanfic index

ff index:
Yo-ro-shi-ku~ Dezzy-chan!


hwangtinglee September 17 2011, 01:32:45 UTC
You live in Japan >w<
So jealous na Yuki-chan
And you speak 3 languages...
(saw your comment with my awesome ren-chan and ana-nee haha...i love them too oh and ivana-chan too ^^)
I can speak two of the ones you can.
And trying really hard to learn the last one...Japanese.
But I'm moving forward haha
Knowing Mandarin and English definitely helps XD

Sorry for the randomness of my comment ne
I just saw ren-chan and ana-nee here so had to drop by haha
Btw I love your fics too !!!
They are great ^^
Love the new one you are doing right now.
Can't wait to read more


yukistrawberry September 20 2011, 10:59:25 UTC
hehehehehe~ everyine wants to live in japan ne? Im one lucky girl ;3
suge~ Japanese... well, i have to say, it is sometimes hard when there are some words that sound the same but the meaning is totally different!

Thanks for <3-ing my fics ;) I'll update asap!


hwangtinglee September 20 2011, 19:18:02 UTC
Ahhh sou sou
I totally get what you mean.
Since some kanji words means totally different things in mandarin haha.

Ai-chan is here too ><
I'm friends with everyone on this page except one haha
Well I'm Rei desu
Add you as a friend
Hope we can be friends too ne Yuki chan ^^


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