Distance Brings You Closer Chapter 9

Oct 23, 2008 19:19

Title: Distance Brings You Closer (Chapter 9/11)
Author: yukinonamida
Genre: AU, Drama, Angst, Romance, Smut, Friendship
Pairing: Nishikato
Rating: R
Summary: Ryo and Shige were the best of friends until different stresses got to them and they began to grow apart. Ryo's constant verbal abuse to Shige only increases the distance between them, until they become lost in a dangerous relationship with each other. Different feelings begin to surface but is their once strong bond already destroyed beyond repair?
A/N: This chapter is safe~ More angst~

Previous Chapters:
( Chapter 1 )
( Chapter 2 )
( Chapter 3 )
( Chapter 4 )
( Chapter 5 )
( Chapter 6 )
( Chapter 7 )
( Chapter 8 )

Again, Blue = Ryo, Green = Shige, and Purple = Memories

Chapter 9: As One Wall Collapses

December 17, 2008
I got back from China today. Shige didn’t even ask me how the trip was or anything. I got so angry at him and of course we ended up arguing again. And then…he told me that he wanted to be just another employee to me. Doesn’t he understand that being just his “boss” was driving me crazy? I can’t be just his boss. I can’t do it.
After I left, I saw him laughing and smiling with that Koyama guy I assigned to be his partner. I get it, he found a new friend while I was gone. But that doesn’t mean he has to push me away. I wanted to talk to him normally today…like we used to. But there was still that wall blocking me from doing so. There was still that feeling that was eating at me.

I can’t do it, Shige. I can’t pretend like you are just an employee to me. I know that’s what I said that I wanted, but I lied…
But what the hell am I supposed to do now? Our relationship is ruined…he wants nothing to do with me. What is there left for me to do?

December 17, 2008
Ryo-chan came back from China today. He was late, and I was worried that something had happened to him. But he was safe…and I wanted to tell him so many things, but I knew I couldn’t. I couldn’t tell him that I was worried about him. I couldn’t tell him that I thought of him everyday he was gone…
Instead, I told him that we should go back to the time before he kissed me. He took it the wrong way, though. He thinks it meant nothing to me when we had sex all those times. But he’s wrong. They did mean something to me. But he doesn’t love me like that, so I can’t tell him, and we can’t continue doing it. We’re not even friends…I don’t even know what we are anymore. I have to just live knowing that he doesn’t know how I feel about him. To tell him would hurt me even more.
I love you, Ryo-chan, and I will wait for you. If you decide that you miss me and that you care about me…I’ll be here. But until then, you will just be Nishikido-san to me.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Tears of confusion and hurt stained the pages of both journals. It was true that the journals contained the things neither had the courage to say out loud. But perhaps…if one of them could just scrounge up that courage and say something, things might begin to change.
Holiday break passed, and the night of New Year’s Eve was the next time either saw each other.

“Ne, Shige.” Koyama nudged him as they stood under the clock tower, waiting for it to strike midnight.
“Hmm?” Shige smiled, trying to warm up from the steam that was escaping from the top of his hot chocolate.
“What are you going to wish for this year?”
The words sparked a memory from the previous year.

Shige stood in front of the clocktower, looking around.
“Ehh, it’s almost 12, what, did he go all the way to Switzerland to get the hot chocolate?” Shige thought out loud. “It’s so co-OWW!” Shige yelled as he felt a snowball hit him in the back.
He turned around to see Ryo, standing there, smirking, and he knew right away who the culprit was.
“Na, Shige. Why are you talking to yourself? It’s kinda creepy.” Ryo chuckled as he ran up to Shige and handed him one of the cups out of the holder he was carrying.
“I was just wondering what took you so long.” Shige said, sipping the hot chocolate.
“Hmm…Shige, it’s New Year’s Eve, in front of the famous clock tower, and it’s freezing outside….the line was kinda long.” Ryo laughed.
“What’d you throw a snowball at me for though?” Shige pouted.
“It looked like fun. “ Ryo smirked.
Shige just shook his head at him, laughing.
“Na, Shige…what are you going to wish for this year?” Ryo asked, smiling.

“Shige?” Koyama waved his hand in front of Shige’s dazed face, trying to snap him out of it.
“Eh..huh?” Shige said weakly.
“You okay?”
“Uh…yeah.” Shige said, looking to the ground and then smiling at him faintly.
“What are you going to wish for?” Koyama repeated.
“I wish…that friends everywhere continue to be good friends and never separate.”
Koyama half-smiled and rubbed Shige’s shoulder. “Me too.”
Ryo walked slowly and alone along the sidewalk leading up to the clocktower. All around him were happy couples, clinging onto each other’s arms, without a care in the world. Little kids ran around in the snow, while their parents chased after them with scarves and gloves. People greeted their familes with hugs and greetings of “Happy New Year”.
Ryo walked down the path in the center of warm families and love, not having either to rely on.

He reached the clocktower, and immediately saw where Koyama and Shige were standing. He hid in the distance, behind a decorated tree, and watched as the two joked around and threw handfuls of snow at each other. They blended in just like all the rest.

Ryo had nowhere to go to. Not to a warm family, not to a dear friend. All he had to blend in with was the cover of the dead tree and the blanket of the falling snowflakes. He felt completely alone as he watched his best friend give his place to someone else.

“If I had to wish for something…I’m not gonna tell you!” Shige teased.
“Oh come on, Shige.”
“Argh fi-“
“Look, Ryo-chan! It’s almost midnight!” Shige shrieked, grabbing Ryo’s arm.

Ryo shook himself out of the memory when people around him began to scream. He looked at the clock.

“10! 9! 8! 7!..” Koyama and Shige screamed, along with the rest of the crowd.
The clock struck midnight, and the two jumped excitedly until Shige looked up to the clocktower, remembering the rest of that night.

“10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5!” Ryo and Shige screamed. Shige looked at Ryo, who was excitedly bouncing up and down with each new number called.
I wish…I wish Ryo-chan and I will be friends forever. I wish that he will always be happy. Onegai, Kami-sama.
The clock struck 12 and Ryo jumped up excitedly, looking back at Shige who had been staring at him.
“Happy 2008, Shige.”
Shige looked up to Ryo and smiled.
“Happy 2008, Ryo-chan.”
They hugged, and Shige leaned into Ryo’s shoulder, melting in the moment and hoping that they would always share New Year’s Eve together.

“Happy New Year, Shige! It’s 2009!” Koyama grinned.
“Happy New Year, Kei-chan.”

Ryo watched as the two smiled and hugged. “Happy 2009, Shige.” He mumbled, as he turned away. His eyes were dark and his face was blank as he walked home.
Even if it means that I am miserable, I wish for him to smile at me like that again.
For the next few days at work, Ryo argued with Shige about little things, as always. Nothing had really changed, except that they only argued about things related to work. The tension was at an all time high between the two when Ryo decided to take his lunch break a bit early one day.

Ryo walked to the lunch room and saw that Shige was sitting with Koyama, laughing and chatting away. It bothered him more than usual, and he could feel the rage rise up inside of him. He didn’t want to deal with it…any of it. So he turned around to go back to his office, but something caught his eye. In Shige’s cubicle, under a stack of messy papers, Ryo spotted a green book. He looked around to see if anyone was watching, and he walked in and grabbed it off his desk. The journal…I thought he would have gotten rid of this thing the night at the café…
Ryo stuck it in the coat of his jacket and hurried into his office, plopping on his office chair and skimming through it, curiously.
You still write in this, too?
He wasn’t really looking at the words, just the dates, until one line caught his eye.
That was the night I fell in love with Ryo-chan.
Ryo’s body stiffened and his face froze. He read the line about fifty times after that, but he still could not believe his eyes.
“E-..Eh?” he muttered. His emotions went into overdrive as his mind began to race. He loves me? What?

Impulsively, he pushed himself up out of his chair and stumbled out of the door.

He reached the lunch room and saw the two, giggling and fooling around.
“Ne, Kei-chan, you have to try this.” Shige said, lifting a forkful of his lunch to Koyama’s mouth.
Koyama ate it and smiled. “Umai!!” he giggled.
“Isn’t it?” Shige said.
“It’s not too sweet...but-”
“Not too salty either.” Shige finished.
“Yeah! I have to try that next time…when-“
“Next Tuesday.” Shige smiled.
“Ah, okay.”

Ryo froze before walking in. His heart broke when he saw Shige finishing Koyama’s sentences like he used to do with him. A million different emotions were racing inside of him- confusion, anger, frustration, anxiety, happiness…and before he knew it, he stormed into the lunchroom and Shige and Koyama looked at him nervously.
“Good afternoon, Nishikido-san.” Koyama bowed his head respectfully.
“You…I need to talk to you.” Ryo said shakily, pointing to Shige.
“I’m on my lunch break …can it wait until I’m finished?” Shige replied politely.
“Unfortunately it can’t.” Ryo said, grabbing his arm and pulling him off the chair.
Koyama stood up and gave Shige a worried look, but Shige just shook his head.
“Let’s go.” Ryo said, pulling him by the arm out of the lunch room.
“I’ll be okay, don’t worry.” Shige mouthed to Koyama, who was just as surprised as he was.
Ryo opened his door and pushed Shige in, closing the door behind him.
“What is your problem? You always drag me in here.” Shige glared at him. He had already decided that he would remain professional until Ryo acted up. He wasn’t just going to let Ryo push him around.
“I need to talk to you, so that’s what I’m doing.”
“This isn’t talking, this is called interrupting my lunch hour.”
“Well if you would LET ME talk, I could start.”
“Go ahead then.”
“What the hell were you doing in there? Fucking feeding your co-worker in the middle of the lunchroom. Where do you think you are? That’s not very professional, now is it?” Ryo snarled.
All restraints broke as the tension reached its maximum.
“Oh, you shouldn’t be talking. I don’t think having sex with your employee really counts as professional.”
“You’re not exactly innocent in that case either, you little smart ass.” Ryo snapped.
“Why do you have to be such a bastard? I was in a good mood today, and you ruined it. You ruin everything…I really hate you sometimes, you know that? I can’t st-“
Ryo’s heart ached when Shige said that word…that one word that hurt more than knives. “Hate.” Before he knew what he was doing, he grabbed Shige and crashed his lips against Shige’s, interrupting him so he couldn’t finish his sentence.
Shige’s heart jumped and fell with pain at the same time as he squirmed under Ryo’s grasp.
Shige managed to push Ryo away and looked away painfully. “Damnit, Nishikido-san…stop it.” He muttered weakly.
Ryo was speechless as he looked at Shige longingly with a growing ache in his chest.
“What do you want from me?!” Shige yelled, fighting back the tears.
“What do you want?! Huh?! What the hell do you want from me?” Ryo yelled as tears welled up in his eyes as well.
Ryo pushed past him and grabbed the journal off his desk. Shige looked at him wide-eyed as he realized what it was Ryo was holding.
“Why do you have that?” Shige asked, his body beginning to tremble.
“What is this?” Ryo said, pointing to the line on the page. “What the hell is this supposed to mean?”
Shige stared at the line, horrified.
“Answer me, Shige…are…are you in love with me?” Ryo asked weakly.
Shige looked at the page and then back up to Ryo. “No.”
“No?” Ryo said lowly. “Then why would you write this?”
Shige sighed deeply. “I was in love with you. But then you turned into this monster…”
Ryo stared at him, completely immobilized.
“I loved the Ryo-chan who always made me laugh, the one I could tell anything to…I loved the Ryo-chan that valued our friendship more than anything.” Shige said as the tears began to fall. “I knew that he would do anything for me, and he never did anything that might hurt me. That was the Ryo-chan I fell in love with.”
“Shige…it’s still me…”Ryo said, sobbing.
“No…the second you said that our friendship had to stop when we were in work, that part of you began to die inside my heart.”
“Shige…” Ryo pleaded.
“Let me finish! I fought to save our friendship, and all you did was push me away. You were a complete jerk to me, and you hurt me. You did nothing to save our relationship. Nothing!”
“I didn’t know what to do…”
“Don’t give me that. Our friendship obviously doesn’t mean anything to you, so just forget it.”
“But..you said-“
“Don’t you get it? I don’t love you anymore. It…it’s too late, Nishikido-san.”
Shige walked out of the room as Ryo fell to the floor onto his knees. He cried and gasped for air as he felt his heart get ripped out and replaced by a huge, emotionless void.
Shige ran to the bathroom and into an empty stall where he broke down as he realized what he had just done.
The distance between the two had led Shige to say what had been locked up deep inside of his heart. And no matter how bad things seemed, what the two didn’t realize is that this little fight actually brought them closer than they had been since the gap was created.

A/N: I hope you liked it ^^
As always, comments, suggestions, and cookies are always welcome :D

fanfiction, nishikato

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