There will be magic, chapter 73, RukaxYomi, KaixRuki, AoixReita, UruhaxAsagi, Ni-yaxSakitoxHitsugi

Jun 23, 2011 01:39

Title: There will be magic
Author: yukigafuru
Chapters: 73/?
Pairings: RukaxYomi, KaixRuki, AoixReita, UruhaxAsagi, Ni~yaxSakitoxHitsugi for now
Bands: Gazette, Naitomea, D... (and a surprise)
Rating: PG-15-PG-17 overall
Warnings: will be angst, yaoi, threesome, a bit of gore here and there, light mpreg
Genre: AU, Angst, Romance
Disclaimer: I am not connected to the real persons. This is just a figment of my imagination and I don't make any money nor profit in any way out of this (well, except gathering your love that is).

Summary: The age of magic and mystery is coming towards its end. But what if someone that has the gift to see the future can join forces with others who have the power to stop it? What will be born then? What will be found?

Chapter 73

The trip on board the vessel had been a tranquil one for Reita and his family. Aoi and he took advantage of the close quarters and aside from short conversations with their friends, kept to each others company. Their life had been a whirlwind; from the time they met in the forest up until that moment, they had fallen in love, got bonded and formed a family and yet it had only been a few short weeks. Where others needed years to form a connection such as theirs, they had achieved it in less than half a year.

Not having to obey social rules or give accounts and justifications to noisy royal relatives was of course one of the advantages of their situation. Unfortunately, they would eventually have to face Reita's parents and his role as possible heir to the throne, but such a meeting seemed as remote to them at the moment as traveling to the moon and back.

That day, they had woken up later than usual, skipped breakfast favoring making love and cuddling on the smallish cot and only later, once hunger had finally set in, did they leave the room and retrieved lunch from the kitchen. Halfway through eating the fish stew - one of the more common meals aboard the vessel, along with fried potatoes, rice and grilled fish - the pendant Reita still wore around his neck started glowing a violent purple while emitting some sort of low pulse. The occurrence not only shocked both of them, for they had never heard of the necklace reacting in such a manner, but it also worked towards raising their awareness of the situation. However, things had already been set in motion and realization came too late...

Within moments after the medallion had given signs of danger, they heard cries coming from other parts of the ship only to immediately have Ni~ya burst into the room and swiftly collapse, after managing to impart one final warning.

“Yune... It was the food... Poisoned. Reita, hide...”

They had only eaten half of the soup so Aoi had time to check Ni~ya's breath and ascertain his condition.

“He's in a deep sleep. I don't think it was poison7s. Rei, we both have to try to get whatever it is out of our systems.” While saying this, however, Aoi's eyelids were already growing heavier, the room around him became blurred, words' texture and volume changed only to morph into bits of sounds reaching him filtered through a heavy curtain. By the time Reita replied, he had already passed out. Reita clutched to his medallion. He felt weary, his limbs heavy and refusing to listen. He was like a puppet abandoned by its master, unable to get up from its assigned shelf, unable to reach even the one he loved. But even more or less paralyzed, for reasons unknown to the tiger, he remained conscious. His awareness was there when Yune all but strutted into the room, stepped over the bodies of Ni~ya and Aoi and approached the cot. Reita wanted to demand he stay away, to ask for answers, reasons, hide, flee... do something; anything... But not even his mouth could move anymore and he came to be at the complete mercy of the other.


Earlier, Ni~ya, Sakito and Hitsugi, excited with their new found resolutions and subsequent happiness, unwittingly ignored the quietness and apparent emptiness of the ship. In such a confined space, especially when approaching the kitchen, it would have normally been impossible to not run into one of their friends or a crew member. Yet, they did not meet a soul, did not hear anyone and did not think about questioning the situation.

They sat at the longish rectangular table taking up more than half of the space in the kitchen, bowls of stew and rolls of bread in front of them and amidst pleasant banter, they proceeded in devouring their lunch. Ni~ya was the first to realize something was off.

“Something wrong, Ni~ya?” Sakito asked him, noticing that while himself and Hitsugi had all but finished their meal, Ni~ya, the one that should have been the hungriest of the three, was struggling with his.

“Didn't this give you a weird aftertaste?” He inquired. Eating the stew, aside from all the spices and flavors battling each other in each bite, there was a slight bitterness, a sense that faded almost immediately, lost among all the other sensations, but a particular impression, impossible for Ni~ya to not feel or ignore for it reminded him of the poison he had been forced to ingest not long before.

“There's more to it than that, isn't it?” The perceptive Hitsugi correctly interpreted the naga's worried gaze.

“I hope not, but if there really is, then I can only think of one person on this ship suspicious of tampering with the food. In any case, we have to get to Ruki, make him contact Uruha immediately.” He was sitting up and taking long strides towards the door when he realized that Sakito and Hitsugi were not following.

He turned around. The two had barely moved. “I feel heavy, lethargic. I guess you were right.” Hitsugi said and collapsed back on his seat, while Sakito, who had managed to move a couple of steps away from the table, fell onto the wooden boards. Ni~ya made to return, but was stopped by the latter gasping man.

Nevermind the stuttering and uncustomary breaks, Sakito's message was loud and clear: Ni~ya was supposed to leave them and go get Ruki, immediately. The naga gritted his teeth and abandoned his two lovers, aware that staying there would neither help them nor the situation. But moving also made his blood circulate faster, spreading the substance through his body. And even though he had only eaten a portion of the soup and he was a snake - the digestive process advancing at a slower pace- moments from leaving the mess hall, he could feel the poison invading his system.

Ruki's room was not too far away from the mess hall, so he fortunately reached the room fast enough. Ruki had obviously used the medallion and Kai's magic to prolong his own. When Ni~ya burst into the room, Ruki was already at the end of his reserves.

“You have to warn Reita. Yune is after him. He plans on abducting Reita and in the process destroy the ship with us in it. I delayed him, but not for long. Get to Reita. Uruha is on his way...” And just like that, Ruki collapsed next to his lover. Ni~ya did not stop to ponder his words; he did not have the energy necessary to wonder about how Ruki knew what he did or how he had “delayed” Yune. He had to concentrate on struggling, on moving his limbs, on getting to Reita in time. He made it to Reita and Aoi's quarters, but by the time he was relaying the message, his system finally gave in to the drug and Ni~ya's consciousness went out like a candle.


Uruha received the distress call, abandoned a meeting with the royal advisers while in the middle of discussing the approaching war, sent for Asagi, who was entertaining the ladies of the palace in the ball room, and gave an order to his trusted guards to get ready for immediate departure. Ruki's message had been fragmented, and aside from the desperation that transmitted itself, was almost incomprehensible. He did not know what had happened to the ship, to the crew or to Asagi's friends. He did not manage to contact the Abaias on ship and neither did he receive more communication from Ruki. For all he knew, by some unimaginable means, the ship and its crew could have been wiped out, destroyed along with everyone in it. He knew what the consequences of such an event would do to his lover.

It took precious minutes for Asagi to rush to his side and as soon as Uruha grabbed the seer's hand in his, drawing the precious being close to him, he fazed them out of the palace, upwards toward the surface and the ship.

The ship was burning, a massive pyre whose dark smoke reached towards the skies and strangled the never-ending blue. Luckily, it had only been burning for a short while and within moments, Uruha and the other Abaias and their powerful magics put out the smoke. Clutching Asagi, making sure his mate would be protected no matter the cost, Uruha transported them to the deck, where burnt scorched bodies, only identifiable by their magical signature as Abaias were strewn across the scorched wood. Asagi gasped.

“They're not your friends, love.” Uruha hurried to soothe his fears. “I know my people and all these here are Abaias.” It made all the difference in the world to the seer but was of small comfort to the king of the Abaias himself. However, there was nothing to be done for the fallen but make sure they were given the proper respects and he was not permitted to grief. He instructed a couple of the guards accompanying them to take care of the bodies and return them to the ocean. Then, he allowed himself to be dragged under the deck.

Apparently the fire had not had a chance to spread to the crew's quarters for after doing a quick sweep of all the compartments, they found everyone but Reita and Yune, who were missing, and they found them all alive, unconscious but alive. Uruha quickly retrieved all of the survivors and assisted by the soldiers that had accompanied him, transported them to the Abaian kingdom, where they were swiftly handed over to professional healers.

It was hours later that the head of the healers' division came to report that they would all survive and sometimes during the night, regain consciousness. They could only wait.


Considering his situation, Reita would have loved a monologue from Yune, who had noticed that he remained conscious. All he got were a few muttered phrases that sounded very much like what a pirate complaining about treacherous seas would say.

“You really should have fallen asleep... At least the main parts of the plan are still in order. Still, he might have my head even from screwing up this much...”

Just before he was grabbed by the man and somehow transported out of the room, Reita smelt the unmistakable foul stench of smoke. The ship was burning. He did not even get to inwardly say his goodbyes to the man he loved before the ship was long gone and white sheets and walls replaced the images of Aoi and Ni~ya's fallen forms.

He was manhandled into a bed obscured from curious eyes by a combination of curtains and bamboo shades and while Yune left him almost immediately alone, Reita could only strengthen his mental defenses and train his heart for ahead of him there were surely more trials to follow.

He was not been given an antidote and he was still very much immobile and helpless. And later, how much later he could not know, the peacefulness of the room was violated and the one to have ordered his kidnapping and his friends' death finally appeared before him. He could have mistaken the face looming over him with that of a dear friend if not for the eyes, holes of darkness on his face, eyes that spoke of evil, eyes cackling with glee at witnessing his helpless state. The Necra was obviously more inclined towards monologues than his servant.

“Aren't you pretty?” Even the creature's voice sounded like a cackle to the tiger. “And even now, you defy me, do you not? Oh, you can't answer for you can't move, but I can see it in your eyes: the resistance. But underneath, there's fear, sheer terror. I bet you'd like to know what will happen now, wouldn't you? Or maybe find out what happened to your loved ones, hmm?” The man's laughter was like an out of tune violin being handled by an armless player: nothing but a screech. “But then, there's nothing as terrifying as the unknown, isn't there?” Just like that, the Necra retreated from his view but not far enough for the tiger's sensitive ears not to pick up the orders he gave to one of his minions. “A few hours later, give him the antidote, but be sure to inhibit his powers. I want him nice and pliant in my hands.” Reita did not want to think about the implications of that statement but his soul shuddered.

rukaxyomi, fanfic, d, aoixreita, there will be magic, uruhaxasagi, rukixkai, ni-yaxsakitoxhitsugi

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