I’m logging in only to post this fic °_° Then I’ll be on hiatus for several days more… in the meantime: enjoy! \o/
× Title: A MatsuWhale story's sequel #2
× Author:
yukichan_tb × Beta-reader:
trece_13 × Length: 1395 words
× Characters: All Arashi Members
× Pairing: On Rotation! This time... Sakumoto!
× Rating: R
× Genre: crack, angst?
× Previous Chapter:
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Comments 52
“Oh… so that means that a human-shaped thing would be okay instead?” intervened then Sakurai, letting out a soft laugh “…a sex doll maybe? Like the one we gave you for your birthday some time ago?”
Qui sono cascata dalla sedia XD
Ahahahah che inciucioni sti Arashi XD Poveraccio Nino però XD essere morsi dalla Junko non deve esser tanto bello! XD
Domani come premio ti offro un biscotto per davvero? XD
Sono felice che il mio "angolo di pazzia della settimana" sia riuscito a farti cadere dalla sedia, raggiungo risultati sempre più soddisfacenti a quanto pare =D
Yes, Sho is jealous ♥
And I'm liking this fic more and more, I'm really happy that so many people asked me a sequel, so I was able to write THIS!
Thank you for your comment my dear! :D
still hilarious!!
And thanks for reading! \o/
aiba is damn funny~ he was freakin' out Jun were having weird "sexthoughts" involving animals.. LOL
thanks for the fic.. more pairings to come..? yatta! a hiatus is good ne~ away from internet for a while.. should've done that too.. i can't part from my laptop even just for one day~ *sighs*
btw, i wanna read your f-locked fics.. may i add u? and would u please add me back? *smiles sweetly* thanks a lot!<3
I'm quickly reading my comments and I've added you back right now ^^
I'm really happy you liked this story, and I hope you'll like my other fics as well :3
(even though you won't find something as crazy as this one... LOL)
Sho is ALWAYS unbelievable sexy! XD
(even when he's wearing a double parka or a giant grey rabbit costume) :°D
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