Should I really call them "graphics works"? XD
This time I simply joined two images (not really well actually, and if this seems to you a good work, that it's only thanks to the original scans that were great) :D
Anyway... directly from
namida_chorori's scans of Tokyo One Week Magazine 2010/05/25 here you have my Arashi wallpapers!! \o/
Arashi Wallpapers + Nino as a bonus ^o^ )
Comments 12
PS: li ho appena ricaricati in versione migliore, visto ke la cucitura tra le due immagini era orribile ma non la vedevo con lo il povero schermo che avevo quando le ho fatte... se vuoi ri-scaricarli, here you go! ^^
But I've just re-uploaded them once again since I didn't notice that the joint was actually horrible °_°
(with a bad screen I didn't realize it immediately...)
Now it's png format, I hope to have corrected the problem, if you want to check... ^o^
Cmq li ho appena ricaricati, teoricamente correggendo la mia obbrobrietà... prova a darci un'occhiata giusto per capire se ora "stanno meglio" :p
You're welcome!
But I'm telling you that I've just re-uploaded them once again since I didn't realize that I made some mistakes in editing the images... have a look if you want, they should be better now :3
(or at least I hope so!)
*so cute*
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