Soo Yun the Panda Boy (GRi oneshot)

Jul 03, 2009 21:33

            “Don’t be shy now, Seung Hyun,” the young mother said gently to her son and pushed him slightly into the daycare. “I’ll come back right after my errands. Play nicely now, okay?”

The toddler looked up at his mother with wide eyes. “N-no! No!”

She smiled down at him, let go of his tiny hand, and spoke to one of ( Read more... )

fanfiction: bigbang, p: gri

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Comments 13

yuki_dizon July 3 2009, 13:37:39 UTC
SPOT for Mai


mangalover93 July 3 2009, 13:56:25 UTC
aw so cuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! cute to the max!!!!! I go 'aw' everywhere ^^

aw seung hyun afraid of bearcat :) ji is a good hyung :D pan-da, pan-da, gosh I just want to hug little soo yun =D

so aw and when seung hyun's mother came back, they hugged ^^ aw, really really cute. seung hyun should have shouted: "hug! Hug!" too :D

This was really lovely honey, made my day ^^ more gri fluff from you in the future :D it's a must!!!

Love you and your fics forever and you know it. XD
*soo yun's panda hug*


yuki_dizon July 3 2009, 13:37:58 UTC
SPOT for Mira


openedlocket July 4 2009, 00:20:01 UTC
You have no idea how CUTE this was. He was reading the book upsidedown but he was still smiling =)) and he wrecked poor Ji Yong's tower =)) but they were still lauging. I swear I just had to smile everytime the little cutie giggle. Wow I just called Ri a little cutie.

Too bad he didn't name the block though, that would've been hilarious. And Sun Ye why was she only a cameo she should've joined all their awesome hopping :p Just kidding.

Told you the LEGO thing would be a win ;). And one tlast thing Yuki...I'M A BEARCAT *roar*. Just kidding :)).


minn_rox July 3 2009, 13:55:59 UTC

baby ji and baby ri? dang, that's so full of sweetness..

i cant help being awwwwwwwwwwww'ed all the tyme..

soo-yun? baby ri is full of cuteness..made my heart's so jiyong to play LEGOs..haha..

tysm..*gives hugs*


wanielovesbb July 3 2009, 14:23:06 UTC


wanielovesbb July 3 2009, 14:40:38 UTC
awwwwwww cuteness overload!
lol soo yun?
great job as always..
love this fic!


smilli July 3 2009, 16:19:10 UTC
i luffles yuu so much for writing this. akjdghksjhgkjfghakhoi i cannot express in words how adorable and fluffy and OMGDithinkimgonnagetcavitesfronthesweetness this is ILUSM♥


smilli July 3 2009, 16:41:21 UTC
...sorry for slightly creepy stalker-ish message up there x] i just reread it and i'm slightly more coherent. so i'm gonna list the stuff i love about this :]
* Seunghyun = Soo Yun = adorable
* Soo Yun is 2 and Jiyong is 5 yet they still play together. it's natural attraction :)
* Sun Ye's in here! she must of been a cute little girl
* Jiyong cares so much for Soo Yun. He doesn't let himself be bossed around, but he wants to make him happy
* BEARCAT whee~! thats 熊猫 in chinese which means panda. that makes me happy.
* Soo Yun is wearing a panda tail. I would love to see that.
* Soo Yun reads upsidedown :) so do I sometimes :]
* They don't want to leave each other! awwww
* adorable huggle and "Jiyong! Jiyong!"
* “You’re leaving?” Ji Yong asked softly.Seung Hyun nodded. this could so be used in an angst ficcie >* he's hyuunng ( ... )


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