"It's a Mistake... maybe" 2nd Chapter

Jul 09, 2010 04:48

DISCLAIMER: I don't own D. Gray-man, all belong to Hoshino sensei... If it was otherwise... Lavi and Kanda should have been together from like FOREVER!

WARNING: YAOI - if you don't know what this word means, or if you don't like boy/boy relationship this story is not for you, don't say I didn't tell you! You know the song, DON'T LIKE DON'T READ!

Now the chapter is completely betaed, thanks to EM1 and EM2 aka Saxon-Jesus!

This is posted for the LAVIYU DAY!


Chapter 2: Akuma World Library

Daily Press, an ordinary working day's morning of an ordinary day. Or perhaps not too ordinary, because that day the world was turning upside down, at least for the newspaper's owner, and that meant a bad day also for his employees. Especially for a certain red-haired reporter.

"Lavi!" A voice yelled from the other end of the editing, its tone quite frightened. "B-Bookman on li-line one, and it lo-lo-looks rather fu-furious..." Stammered a little man with glasses as thick as bottle bottoms.

Lavi sat up wearily from his desk, he hadn't slept at all that night to run after the 49th Precinct's detectives, and he really wasn't in the mood to hear the monthly outburst from the old panda.

Monthly? Weekly, daily... He had lost count now.

"Whaddya want now, old man..." Lavi muttered while pressing the speaker button on the phone's bottom. The scream that came in response almost made the room's walls collapse, and all the other reporters and errand boys stopped carrying out their tasks, turning towards their Head Reporter's desk location, expecting the worst to happen.

«Lavi! Don't sit there fiddling, idiot grandson! At times I wonder why I brought you up, and especially why I'm PAYING you!» Bookman Senior shouted through the telephone's loudspeaker, and Lavi let out a sleepy moan in response. That did nothing but increase his guardian and employer's frustration. «Hurry up good-for-nothing, and trace the writer who published 'It's a Mistake... maybe',» the man curtly ordered.

"Dunno know what is it, and..." The usual epithet with which his grandfather loved to address him cut off his statement.

«It's a book, you idiot!» Bookman Senior growled, irritated by his acquired grandson's carelessness. «Find the author, a certain Kanda Yuu.»

"Why are ya lookin' for 'im? Ya've never cared 'bout four penny writers..." A light bulb had turned on in Lavi's head, catching the slight shade of resentment in his adoptive grandfather's voice, and now the young man was listening with renewed interest. Why was his old man holding it against the writer? This thing was going to become very interesting, oh, yes!

«Don't discuss my orders!» Bookman Senior shouted, increasingly impatient. «Just find him, and discover what was so special about his book for it to become a best seller in just little more than a month!»

"Tell the truth, decrepit old man, it's gnawing at ya 'cause you'd refused it! It's 'cause o' that, right?" The sudden silence at the other end of the phone line confirmed that he had hit the mark, and Lavi smirked, satisfied, wondering why someone his old man had panned could have managed to obtain such a great success so quickly with another publisher.

«I don't intend to discuss my reasons with you. Go and find him quickly!» Bookman senior repeated again.

"Wait, he published with the Noah's Ark, I've guessed right, haven' I?" Silence again. Lavi chuckled to himself; he knew it! He would have bet on it, it couldn't be anything else but that one, the reason for such a strong irritation. "M'kay, then it'll be fun. I'll be glued to his ass in a sec, I'll let y'know 'bout it soon. Don't make your bile explode, old panda!"

«Lavi! Be respectful for once, or I will go over there to kick you and stick in that empty head of yours some common sense!» Lavi laughed heartily at those words, which angered his mentor even more. «Idiot, be serious for five consecutive minutes and pay attention! The Noah's Ark announced a meeting with the author of said book at their top library, 'Akuma World', in which he will sign autographs.» Bookman Senior pronounced that last word as if he was spitting something indigestible, and Lavi could not hold back another chuckle. «It's set for this afternoon, don't fail to be there and give him the third degree.»

"Roger, boss! 'M flyin' there!" And even before hearing the old Bookman's answer, Lavi hung up. The redhead grabbed his jacket and crossed at a run the editing tables under the surprised (and still shaken) looks of his colleagues and employees. "Hey, albino!" Lavi called out as he passed one of the errand boys, slipping a hand into the bag that said boy held into his chest and appropriating of one of his donuts. "Get my camera equipment and follow me."

"Hey! My name is Allen! Try to remember it!" Protested the youth in a perfect English, which clearly identified him as British.

"Oh, are we a lil' touchy, English boy?" Lavi teased the youth, giving him a finger tap on the forehead. "Move!"

"As if that other guy wasn't enough to saddle me with fanciful nicknames..." Muttered the boy who had just identified himself as Allen.

"Hark at 'im! So 'm not the first?" Lavi said, chewing the stolen donut, and leaning towards the English boy to pester him with another finger tap (on the nose this time).

"No. And you should really meet him, you two deserve each other." Allen said sarcastically."Both playing with words.

Lavi indulged in a loud laugh. If there was such a person, he absolutely wanted to meet him!

"Consider yerself bound by that promise!" Exclaimed the redheaded reporter. "Mission completed, I'll expect ya introducin' me to this guy!"

"Count on it. I can't wait for this." Allen secretly rejoiced within himself, because he was sure as Hell that Lavi would torment Kanda endlessly if he let the two of them meet.

And he meant to do it. Yes, even if Lenalee wouldn't be happy about it.

"And now, let's go huntin' for this Kanda Yuu!" Lavi said, throwing the jacket on one of his shoulders and preceding the young assistant, not noticing his incredulous expression nor the dull thud of the grocery bag impacting on the floor.

Lavi had just said that they were going to look for Kanda? The same Kanda he knew? A writer? No, it was impossible that someone like Kanda was able to write even two lines having a complete meaning one after the other...

Certainly it has to be a homonym, as much as it might seem bizarre. At least Allen hoped so; he had no desire to face the young Japanese, especially if the man was now a successful writer while he was a poor errand boy. He sighed, reluctantly following Lavi.

Lenalee was very worried. Terribly worried. Mortally worried. Things had gotten out of hand, and now she didn't know how to tell Kanda about her 'minor adjustments' to the novels...

Because at this rate he would discover it very soon. The short stories collection had been too successful, sooner or later someone would ask about the motivations behind the plot, the character's background, the details of their relationship...

That was the thing that most frightened Lenalee. Kanda would certainly kill her upon discovering that she had put together his two protagonists. And an autograph session with the fans was not encouraging, someone would ask, she was sure of that.

The Chinese girl sighed. She would have to face her fate with courage, she told to herself while accompanying Kanda to the table where the fans were waiting for him... or, to be more exact, the fangirls, because they were all women.

Kanda sat down between the piles of copies of his book, feeling uncomfortable, trying not to look tense or irritated by the crowd. He didn't understand why the book's buyers were only women, since his stories were structured solely as action events.

And the compliments with which they addressed him, blushing, left him dumbfounded. 'I was almost crying', or, 'The two main characters are perfect together', and, 'I didn't think a fascinating young man like you could write something so transgressive'...

Transgressive. What the hell she was meaning by that? What the fuck did it mean? And Lenalee behind him, who thanked each girl and encouraged him to sign the book and move on, her face flushed as if she was embarrassed about something.

When the last fan had left, both the youths breathed a sigh of relief, looking at each other: it had been really tiring.

But I'm still alive, thought Lenalee. For now.

Then she saw something in the distance she had wished would not ever happen.

"Hello!" Exclaimed a youth who seemed to have red hair entering the library, and behind him... behind him... What the heck was Allen doing here?

Lenalee panicked, she knew that Allen had a loose tongue, and would make jokes even completely ignoring the plot of the book. But when she noticed the bag Allen had on his shoulder she immediately understood: the other young man had to to be a journalist if her fiancé was carrying the camera equipment!

And this was really bad, really really bad... An interview would have been the last straw, totally, with Allen standing right beside them in addition! Lenalee saw herself already sliced by Mugen, and an icy shiver ran through her body as she watched the two newcomers approaching their desk.

The young redhead turned in their direction, identifying at first sight who should be the writer... And then Allen saw them, nearly falling on the ground by surprise after recognizing Kanda as the author they was looking for, but above all, for finding Lenalee at his side.

"So this lovely lady is the author we're seeking!" Lavi flashed one of his dazzling smiles, trying to impress the one he believed to be a shy girl, and he even put a hand on the table leaning toward the Japanese man, pretending to put on the sexy pose of a heartbreaker.

Allen blanched at that statement, and Lenalee gasped, such behavior with Kanda meant death, preferably slow and painful.

"Care to repeat that?" Kanda growled, suddenly getting up and grabbing the youth by the collar, almost lifting his weight completely off the ground. The wool hat Lavi was wearing pulled down over his head fell on the floor, revealing in all their glory the flaming red hair and the eyepatch on the youth's right eye, almost completely covered by a red lock before his hat would fell.

" 'M s-sorry... your hair... I was misled..." Lavi stammered, half suffocated. "I didn't mean t'offend ya, on my word!"

Lenalee formed a silent 'O', and lifted a hand to cover her mouth, only then realizing the extent of the trouble in which she had plunged herself into. How could he exist? Yet the young man was alive and kicking in front of her eyes! Kanda also appeared shocked from seeing Lavi's rebel red hair. He too seemed to have recognized the reporter in some way, although for different reasons from the girl's ones.

"You again!" The Japanese man said, identifying in the youth the reporter who constantly pursued him during the investigation on his cases, and this clarified one of the questions Lenalee was silently asking herself, when Kanda added in a very upset tone. "It wasn't enough during my work on crime scenes, now you're following me even here!"

Allen pressed himself against the girl, terrified by the fate that his workmate was about to suffer, while Lenalee was wondering if it was the case or not to intervene and separate them, before the red haired youth had the worst.

Why on earth Kanda took inspiration from someone he didn't even know, and whom, moreover, he couldn't bear, to create one of the protagonists for his stories was a mystery. And she had them... Oh, heavens! What a mess!

Meanwhile, Lavi also recognized Kanda, helped by his grievances, and he definitely couldn't understand how this violent and antisocial individual could have actually written something as good as to be published...

My goodness, just be realistic, a cop! Okay, a detective, but at the police academy they didn't teach you how to write, that was for sure!

"Ah! The 49th Precinct's detective who treated me like dirt last night!" Lavi concluded, indicating the writer's face, who's owner still clutched dangerously at his collar, threatening to suffocate him.

"Che," he received in response from Kanda, who suddenly dropped the poor redhead, nearly causing him to fall down on his back.

"And last week. And even the one b'fore that." Lavi rearranged his shirt and jacket. "Looks like we've fated to meet, ya and me, yer always in my way. 49 should be my number..." He got back another 'Che', a contemptuous exclamation the Japanese man let himself blurt out often as it seemed, and which to Lavi appeared so appropriate for a cold guy like the young detective; and that made the man even more interesting to him.

"Idiot." Kanda labeled him unceremoniously. Could it be possible he was surrounded only by morons?

Allen could not help but burst out laughing loudly, under Lavi's astonished gaze.

"The fuck are you laughing, moyashi? A single nuisance wasn't enough, you had to draw after a mate too!" Kanda turned towards Lenalee, his face tense in the effort to remain calm. "Why did you tell him where we were?"

"I haven't said anything to Allen, Kanda-kun..." The Chinese girl defended herself, now resigned to the worst.

Lavi tried to hide the laughter that escaped from his lips at the nickname the Japanese man had buckled to Allen. For what he knew of Kanda's native tongue it was a really good choice. Allen gave the redhead a withering glare, flinging open arms between Lenalee and Kanda.

"Leave her alone, you'll make her cry!" He accused the dark-haired youth, who shrugged at him carelessly. "And my name is Allen! Allen! Got it?"

"Whatever." Kanda dismissed him abruptly, his voice cold and sharp. "The Hell you want? I have no time to lose with two morons like you."

"Oh, yer so mean, Yuu! We just wanna do our wor..." Lavi couldn't finish his sentence that he found in an instant himself attached to the nearest wall.

"What did you say?" Kanda hissed as if the mere sound of that question could kill his helpless victim.

"Hey! W-What's wrong with ya? I only said we need t'do our work..." Lavi groaned in shock as he ended stuck to the wall with such a speed and violence.

"Che. Not that, you moron, the name. DO. NOT. EVER. USE. MY. NAME." Kanda spelled out slowly and with clear voice to make sure that the whole concept would penetrate the screw loose brain of the redhead idiot.

"But, Yuu..." Immediately objected said idiot, but feeling the grip around his neck tightening like a steel vice persuaded him to give up (for now) on whatever kind of protest he was going to utter. "Okay, okay, message received. Now let go..." Lavi breathed out, close to suffocation, and he was immensely grateful when Kanda did it. "I just want an interview with ya." The redhead said hoarsely, rubbing his neck. "Lavi," he added, holding out his hand for the Japanese man to shake.

"No way." Kanda replied contemptuously, ignoring the journalist's introduction.

"What's up, are you afraid to admit you wrote an obsce..." Lenalee's hand quickly covered Allen's mouth, forcing him to look at her face. The girl shook her head, motioning not to say anything, and it seemed... Oh God, no... This meant that...

"Come on moyashi, finish the sentence." Kanda ordered him in a threatening way, ready to fight again.

"L-Lenalee, don't tell me that you had... you had..." Allen saw she was giving him the look 'we'll calmly talk about it later, now shut up', and he knew he was right. Lenalee had something to do with Kanda's book.

"Well?" The Japanese man's tone had become impatient and he was about to snap again, when Allen gave him an answer he didn't expect.

"We just want to ask you some question about your book Kanda, be reasonable, we only need to write a review, that's all." The English boy hoped that Kanda for once would give way to the blandishments of fame.

"No." Was instead the Japanese man's categorical reply. "Invent it; you journalists are so good at these things." And with that sarcastic statement he turned his back to them, intending to leave the library. "Lenalee, tonight I'm on duty. I'll be home late." He said before walking out.

"Damn, what a temper!" Lavi said as soon as the writer was out of earshot. "You're his girlfriend?" He then asked to Lenalee.

"God forbid!" Allen blurted out, about to choke with his donuts (which he had promptly withdrawn out again right after Kanda had left) hearing Lavi's question. "She's my girlfriend." He stated firmly.

Lavi put on a more than surprised look. The albino midget had a girlfriend so pretty and smart? Incredible. Some people had bad tastes, really.

But it was a true luck that the both of them knew Kanda so well, he would have the two youths telling him all about the writer, to understand the Japanese man better and find a way to break through his defenses.

Meanwhile, Lavi knew that the girl lived with Kanda, even if she was engaged to the albino, if you believed what the boy had just said.

"Yuu was really rude, he should have seen you home..." Lavi held out his hand, waiting for the girl to shake it and officially introduce herself.

"Lenalee Lee. Pleased to meet you." She shook hands with the reporter not without a hint of discomfort, thinking about the trouble in which she had gotten herself into. "If you value your safety don't ever call Kanda by his first name." She immediately warned the reporter.

"My name's Lavi, just call me that." The young redhead simply said, ignoring Lenalee's advice and smiling kindly to her. "Are we goin' moyashi? Let's take our pretty young lady home."

"Hey! What does this mean? You're not going to start calling me with that horrible nickname too now, are you?" Hearing Lavi chuckling in amusement, Allen complained disconsolately. "What harm have I done...

"Come on, don't quarrel." Lenalee rebuked them with a stern look on her beautiful face. "And if you see me home I'll be more than happy."

Perfect! Everything as expected, thought Lavi. This way I'll know where he lives... Tomorrow I'm going to give him a good morning!

The first thing the director of the Noah's Ark Publishing saw that morning was the familiar face of one of the most persistent nuisances she had ever known in her whole life: her favourite collaborator's brother, a new-age orientalizing charlatan with an absurd appearance: half a turban on his head, short unkempt hair of a whitish color, Arab-style clothing and three disturbing eyes tattooed on his forehead. The man smiled in a dull way, greeting her by waving his open hand.

"Wisely." She addressed him icily, honey blond hair tied back in a low ponytail, moving aside a strand of fringe from her 'Lennon' style sunglasses she wore constantly. "Just because your sister works for the Earl, doesn't mean that you're welcome here."

"Aww, Lulu dear, you're always so friendly!" The man said, leaning with both hands on the desk. "You know that if I come to see you it is always because I had an important revelation, and I want to share it." Wisely winked an eye at the woman, widening his smile.

"To you it's Lulubell, idiot. Now stop it with your 'Mr. I know it all' look and disappear from my sight." The woman snorted, clearly irritated by the unwanted intrusion which had interrupted her work.

"Don't you want to see what I brought for you?" Wisely fumbled with his clothes, extracting from his short 'Arabian Nights' style jacket an envelope and putting its contents on the woman's desk in plain sight. Lulubell's eyes widened as she saw the photograph.

"Bookman Junior?" She exclaimed dumbfounded, immediately recognizing the place where the picture was taken, and especially the person depicted beside the young Bookman.

"Correct. Aren't you dying to know why he was there?" The bizarre individual asked in a persuasive tone, leaning more towards the woman.

"I perfectly know why, you idiot!" She snapped, hitting the photo with her fist. "Damned Bookman..." Lulubell murmured, more to herself than to her current conversation partner, who continued to stare at her with that dull look on his face that made you ask 'is he really like that or is he just acting?', which strongly got on Lulubell's nerves. "You've made your boasting, now go back to reading the future in your hack-fortuneteller's study." She dismissed Wisely with a stiff gesture of her hand, continuing to study the photo with a worried look.

"Not even a thank you, Lulu?" Wisely complained in a hurt tone.

"Shoo!" Lulubell ordered, pointing at the door, still open since the man had barged into her study.

"Oh, you're so mean!" Wisely whined, flaunting a fake outraged expression. "But tell the Earl you got the news thanks to me. Maybe he'll employ me..."

Lulubell shuddered at the thought.

"Get out!"

The second after the one in which the door closed behind the pseudo-guru, Lulubell clung to the phone, calling the indicted Library.

"Sheryl? I have in front of me a picture of our miracle writer together with the Bookman scion, what can you tell me about it?" The woman hissed in a threatening tone. The man on the other end of the phone apologized repeatedly.

«Oh, Lulu, darling... I'm mortified, I couldn't help it. The Bookman brat stumbled in here by surprise during our meeting with the month's author, in the middle of the autograph session, and I certainly couldn't throw him out.»

"How come I wasn't informed?" Lulubell asked in an inquisitorial tone as she was now told of that fact, longing to have Sheryl right in front of her for kicking him as he deserved.

«Well... I didn't think it was so important, after all that Kanda almost punched the Junior Bookman, so there's no risk...»

"I'm the one to decide what's important and what's not, blockhead! That must not happen again, alright?" And on the further apologies from the man, she hung up the phone.

Now Lulubell only hoped that the Earl should never come to know about it, and immediately took the necessary precautions requested by the situation.

She dialed another number, and waited.

kanda, fanfic, lavi

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