20110526 VS Arashi #138 Paradise Kiss team eng subbed

May 28, 2011 14:13

Did you see this coming?? :D There are so many of my favorite people in one place. It just has to be subbed!

Too precious xD
Mukai is a very talented person. He's smart, handsome, and sporty, not to mention a good actor. No wonder Haruna Ai dotes on him so much :)).

Edit: Forgot to say this, am I the only one who thinks that Mukai and Keiko look great together?  :D
MF .001   .002   .003  many hugs to eskarina77 (^.^)//
(Pass: libra)

Got a higher-quality raw. It's much better than MQ but not HQ yet. I encoded 5-6 times to retain as much quality as I can, but...*sulks* I tried my best...
2shared  .001  .002  .003  .004  or  sendspace folder uploaded by resha22chad
MF  .001  .002  .003  .004 (Password: libra) uploaded by pirichan
No re-uploading and re-posting please (which also means, no uploading on streaming sites)

Translation was done by yarukizero. Remember to send love her way :)
Spot translation, typesetting, timing and whatnot done by me.

Note: Since so many people were talking at the same time, the following denotation was used:

Osamu Mukai - M
Yusuke Yamamoto - Y
Keiko Kitagawa - Ki
Aya Ohmasa - Aya
Nicole Ishida- Ni
Shigemitsu Ogi- Ogi
Nino - N
Aiba - A
Sho - S
Jun - J
Haruna Ai - H
Itou-san - I

#subbed: arashi

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