
Mar 14, 2008 16:41

... )

rant, school

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Comments 6

kyasuriin March 14 2008, 22:20:08 UTC
oh sweetheart, I'm sorry things are so awful right now for you. It's so hard when someone you love is in pain and it's awful to have to be in the peripheral while your family is having this awful feud. I really hope things resolve themselves but in the meantime, you should probably see if your school has academic counsellors so instead of talking to each teacher individually, they may be able to vouch for you and work out a different assignment schedule.

Take care, k? *mwah*


kageno March 15 2008, 01:09:58 UTC
First of all I offer some major hugs. *hugs!* I agree with above person, see an academic counselor. They're usually pretty understanding (I saw one today), they deal with all kinds of issues and they're trained to help students with them. Don't give up, remember you love art in all its forms and you are blessed to have the gift of expressing yourself so wonderfully with visuals. Remember why you're in the animation program in the first place, you wanted to be there. Don't lose sight of your goal, even if the world crumbles around you. And there are people who love and care for you and want to see you get through. So fight on, tou-kun, fight on.


rashkae March 15 2008, 03:37:53 UTC
Try and remember why you're in Art School. Remember how badly, and I mean really badly you want to graduate, and learn, and stay in that school, and why you want it so badly.

You haven't failed yet. You've still got half a semester. You can still do this.

The first step is to simply let your teachers know that stuff is happening in your life, so that they can help you reach your goal.

Secondly, try not to worry; you don't have time to waste with panic. Get control of the situation. Write down your workload/assignments and don't be afraid of it-you can do it. You can.. Just go through the list one thing at a time. Do what you can do, day by day, even minute by minute if necessary.

If art school is one of the most important things in your life (and I assume it is), then your goal to graduate will probably give you the strength to do what you have to do, even if it's painful or shameful, even if it seems impossible.

You can do it, I know your strength and I know you can do it. Believe in me, who believes in you.


lislocat March 15 2008, 06:14:37 UTC
Dee! There are so many people who care about you at school and you should know that we are a huge net of support to be with you in times when you think you are overwhelmed and can do nothing. People will always be there you let them be. I sensed something today when we were talking but I didn't really think of it much at the time. But hun!We are all here to help, whatever you need you just gotta ask. And I really think you need to talk to a counsellor or something, they will give you as much time as they can without things being late. And sometimes it just takes someone to be there and be a stable support to help you. If I could get Boris better off in school I can certainly help you! I know you want this, you said Sheridan was your favourite place to be, you can't just let it go. Don't be like Patrick or the others who just gave up, I love you D! I know how sometimes the world pushes you through hard times, trust me, been there and don't want to do that again but working for the things you love and want will make you thrive ( ... )


zeitgeisha March 15 2008, 06:47:38 UTC
Definately don't give up. You are amazing and talented and it'll be such a *waste* for you not explore that and reach your full potential. This is such a hard time for you, and I really hope your family will be alright, but you can't really control that...? But you can control you, and try to make it through all of this.

Like everyone else said, definately see a guidance counselor, a break is a good idea. Maybe it'll even give you new ideas..a fresh perspective? Please feel better ~hug~


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