Aug 18, 2011 23:21
Welcome Yucchi lovers ^^
Feel free to put in gif requests here or any general comments/questions regarding the community.
If you would like to make a gif request, please copy/paste the code below and fill in the relevant information to make things easier for me:
Video: Approx Time: Description: Extra:
Video: 2011.07.31 Music Lovers
Approx Time: 9:27-9:29
Description: Yucchi falls to the floor and looks up at the camera
(Describe the key part that you want GIFed here)
Extra: Anything additional you want to specify like the resolution, text (nothing too objectional please), gif to be used for Tumblr, etc.
I will try to fulfill any requests to the best of my ability.
Edit: All comments henceforth are screened.
*mod post