That's really evil of someone, actually. I don't know about your Guides, but I'm sure mine would struggle to find the money to replace that sort of thing.
YEah, no one's sure what they're going to do about damage that insurance doesn't cover. Or what they're going to do about the camps that were supposed to be going on there this month.
It would seem very harsh if those girls couldn't go to camp because of this. I guess fundraising will be in order to replace stuff-- and to invest in some better security, alas.
They're hoping to still have the camps go ahead by renting portapotties and scrounging for cookware. I guess it'll have to be really old school in the cooking department and limit themselves to the firepits. :p
Dude, what the hell kind of evil people do you have in Canada? Who steals copper pipes and wires? I mean, copper, yes, but PIPES. And cookie sheets! This is sick and wrong.
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