so, what are you gonna do, KT?

Jan 04, 2012 22:35

In case this post managed to gain any actual attention from anyone: this is my personal point of view. It is sarcastic at times, realistic for most part, and rather far from fangirling ( Read more... )

music industry, japan, johnny's

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Comments 16

tokeruyouna January 5 2012, 00:41:42 UTC
This is so great I wish the entire JE fandom could see it. Rather than commenting on how much sense it made and breaking the comment box, I will just comment on my favorite line and leave it at that:

Never took them seriously for a second, but it didn't matter - I needed fun, and they were fun, just fun, and only fun
That is basically my philosophy on entertainment right there. It might not always be fun I am looking for--sometimes it is improvement of my Japanese skills or something else for example--but it comes down to the same idea.


yuaelt January 5 2012, 09:52:12 UTC
I'm glad I could reach you! - and even more happy to know there's more people like me, who got into JE because it was fun (and improves your Japanese, of course)


tokeruyouna January 5 2012, 17:15:33 UTC
Well with JE I got into it more because of the language issue and because I was interested in learning about the philosophy behind it, but I do think it basically comes down the same thing in the end (besides, language learning and philosophy are fun ;D).


yuaelt January 5 2012, 23:10:12 UTC
as a philosophy graduate I can't help being touched by your saying philosophy is fun. wow. can't say I hear that one much!


granity20 January 5 2012, 17:04:56 UTC
wow!!!!like really, wow!!!!
i felt like so childish compared to you...

and how i wish kt and the johhny could read will enlighten them to some things they are totally disregarding or if not disregarding, they are desperately trying to protect but will most likely result to an unpleasant ending.....


yuaelt January 5 2012, 23:37:02 UTC
thank you very much, I'm happy that you liked this little article. knowing other people think likewise makes my hope rise it's head a little higher.

However, I don't consider myself smarter than all JE managers. They are pros after all, and they're doing their best everyday so that all bands were popular, and sold well. This is the purpose of idols - entertaining, and making money for their producers. If they accidentally create something of value, like Kat-Tun almost did around the time of their debut, it is accepted for as long as it's profitable, but will hardly ever get analyzed and included as an important factor in creation of later works.

So basically - I have cried out my soul of a burnt out fanfiction writer and I'm happy to find that other people, like you, share my thoughts, but I doubt JE would care ;).


granity20 January 26 2012, 14:26:07 UTC
but i wanted je to care!!!'s a good word-befitting if you ask me- that will result to changes that could either be good or bad for our beloved boys.but still, a new outlook on things could be the fresh start they did not see,the fresh start they badly needed.and though lacking in confidence you are, i think you'll fend just well with those well trained JE managers.

take it from the heir to all johnny's riches or at least in my dreams....^^


yuaelt January 27 2012, 10:18:53 UTC
reading your words, I start feeling like sending my CV and business plan over to Kitagawa himself :) thank you


harukazepanda January 6 2012, 08:43:29 UTC
dokładnie to samo... no nie, nie dawno nie poświęcałam kattunom tyle uwagi, by dojść do takich wniosków, więc nie myślałam tego samego. Sytuacja innych grup doprowadził mnie jednak do bardzo podobnych wniosków. Tyle jedynie, że obniżyli poziom dramatycznie. Ale kto w JE tego nie zrobił? może poza grupami, na których nikomu nie zależy
Jin był bardzo denerwujący. Okropnie, strasznie, nie do zniesienia. Co ciekawe, jak tak sobie wspominam, rozmawialiśmy o jego odejściu ze znajomymi tuż po kattunowym debiucie. Wnioski były następujące: woda sodowa uderzyła mu do głowy, nie da sobie rady. A proszę, dopiął swego i nawet nieźle mu idzie. Odzyskał nawet część mojego szacunku, przynajmniej jako artysta.
JE, jak słusznie mówisz, jest od dostarczania rozrywki. Czekam na chwilę, kiedy znowu będzie rozrywką dla mnie. W zeszłym roku, poza tegomasami, nic mnie specjalnie nie ubawiło xD Chociaż nie, przepraszam, kanjany zrobiły na mnie coś jak wrażenie. Może oni są moją ostatnią nadzieją?


yuaelt January 6 2012, 11:26:06 UTC
a wiesz, może i są, im się jeszcze od czasu do czasu zdarzy zrobić coś jakby interesujacego ;)

hmm, chyba słuszne podejście do Jina, też powinnam zacząc tak o nim myśleć, bo na razie cały czas jesetm na etapie sodówy i czekania na jego szybki, nieuchronny upadek... który jednak coś jeszcze nie nadchodzi. kto go tam wie, może on cos jednak potrafi?


aurislothol January 8 2012, 21:48:53 UTC
I will just clap my hands at your bold statements and can't add anything to it.


yuaelt January 9 2012, 16:08:23 UTC
thank you!
I knew some of my friends would agree, but never expected that so many of us would be thinking in such similar way!


nisanoaozora April 2 2012, 14:03:22 UTC
LOL, this was posted in January and I read it just now. Well, I started to active again in LJ recently, so... :)

Reading this, somehow makes my heart hurt a little, because this kind of things not only happened in JE or entertainment business,but it also happened in life too. Loosing your own style, because the society want you to be just what they want you to be. If everyone do the exact same thing the world will be a boring place (how can peoples not realize it already @_@). It also happened on music.

I like KATTUN for their personalities, they are interesting. Now I love them for stick around together despite all of their differences. No matter what the reasons are, I appreciate that.
As for Kanjani, I love them for their hard work, how they try to find something fit for them, and their closeness. Ah, I don't want Kanjani to end up like Arashi now T_T

About Jin, I also felt relieve when he leave KATTUN for good(well, I still do :)), so so so so much.

This is just some not cool opinions of mine, hope you don't mind ^^


yuaelt April 2 2012, 21:53:45 UTC
I not only don't mind, I'm thankful that you share your opinions with me! :) I agree that KT have interesting personalities, it's one of the reasons I still do check them out.

As for the reason why performers are forced to lose style... I don't think it's society alone, because exactly the same society lets other people do whatever they want - it simply pays them less. But you're certainly right that it's social pressure just as much as money that makes individuals succumb. Who knows, maybe they would act much more freely if not for the fear of johnny's showbiz connections...


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